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There Was a Very Noticeable Effect
Calea zacatechichi
Citation:   fallout330. "There Was a Very Noticeable Effect: An Experience with Calea zacatechichi (exp81546)". Apr 4, 2020.

2 oz oral Calea zacatechichi (tea)
Calea Zacatechichi (Dream Herb) Dreaming

I ordered this unique plant foliage for about $10 or so. Last night I decided to steep the foliage, about 2 ounces, in 16oz of water for about 20 minutes. The ending result was an extremely bitter light green liquid that proved to be a bit of a task to consume. I realize the ideal way of consuming this would be either smoking or putting it in empty gel caps to swallow. I can compare the taste to wormwood, although this one seemed more noticeable. It also reminded me of drinking straight vodka shots....which can be a bit uncomfortable if one is not used to it.

In the time frame of about 1 hour, I consumed almost 16oz worth of this 'tasty' ;D tea and waited about 1 hour before going to bed. During this 1 hour period I noticed a lightly relaxing sensation, similar to Valerian, Chamomile or Kava Kava. As I was laying in bed falling asleep I noticed a light increase in flowing thoughts and barely noticeable images in my head. I would say it took about 5 minutes to fall asleep for the evening.

The dreams I had that evening were much more vivid and involving that usual. The dreams that night were mostly about everyday events with a mixture of strangeness. The one theme that seemed to be integrated throughout the night was family, either my wife or daughter was involved. I think I focused on them due to how vital they are in giving me purpose and direction at this time......not that they would ever cease to provide this, but currently this is where my main focus has been. Most dreams were easy to recall as I woke up this morning, compared to forgetting most by waking hours.

In the end I have to say there was a very noticeable effect for myself.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81546
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Apr 4, 2020Views: 492
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Dreams (85), Calea zacatechichi (97) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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