Synchronization of Twins
by twin
Citation:   twin. "Synchronization of Twins: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp81621)". Apr 17, 2018.

2.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
As twins my brother and I partook on a mushroom experience that was unique to us in that we experienced a strong psychic connection to one another. This was our first trip on mushrooms together. Living in the mountains we took to nature with the mushrooms. These particular ones were very small and looked different from others I've used.

We ate these small dried and duffy shrooms in our beautiful surroundings of pine trees, large rocks, and sounds of a waterfall. That sunny day nature inhaled us into its lung and we pulsated in rhythm with our surroundings. We became one with everything, there was no separation. As the trip progressed and revealed to us its patterns and sheer love, we found we no longer needed to talk to one another. We no longer needed to discuss anything in a verbal manner. We were synchronized, our movements to different areas of the forest and the places we stopped to absorb, became understood in us both. We didn't have to ask each other which direction to move, where to lay down, how each other were doing with this trip, if we needed water or not. It was understood with out any hesitation.

This experience with my twin brother was novel, we have used many substances with one another over the years, but have not been so psychically synchronized on such a complete level as our first mushroom experience together. Not even acid has done that for us with such completeness.

Exp Year: 1993ExpID: 81621
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Apr 17, 2018Views: 811
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), First Times (2), Relationships (44), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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