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Born Again in Portuguese Valleys
Mushrooms & Cannabis
by D
Citation:   D. "Born Again in Portuguese Valleys: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp82589)". Jan 21, 2020.

  oral Mushrooms
I had travelled to one of the worlds most beautiful festivals in summer 08, with a bunch of druggies I didn't really know. The festival was set in a lush national park, with mountains and lakes, and was the most artistic, carefully prepared festival I had been too. Yet, I felt very lonely as the people I was with kinda annoyed me. I really didnt click with them.

So one day, I brewed up some tea of mexican shrooms, and went on sat on the hillside by myself. I was pissed, but decided to drink the tea anyway. Alone. I then went and sat on a hamock. Suddenly, I burst out laughing. I realised how silly my bad mood was and I just laughed. I was looking over the festival, and within minutes the colours and sounds became brighter. I couldnt stop laughing, and felt quite happy.

I started walking around, looking at stuff. First I looked at the bark in the trees. Little faces and shapes moved in its pattern. The water on the lake, had a strange kind of rainbow colour mist above it. The ground rippled, and the trees made patterns in distance. The sky was so fresh, so blue, and infinite. Everything seemed crystal clear, and I began to feel as though a conditioned layer had been stripped and I was thinking with the clarity of a child.

There had been one boy who I had really got on with, and I ran of to find him. At this point the trip got a little strong, and I was slightly freaked out. Only slightly. Once I stopped thinking about it, it was fine.
I was slightly freaked out. Only slightly. Once I stopped thinking about it, it was fine.
I wasnt so fucked that the feeling could overwhelm me.

The world was VERY colourful. I found M and he did some shrooms with me, at which point we returned to the Caravan. We were in the caravan M was sitting against a gold metal grid, I remember thinking the metal grid was see through for a while, and that there was a forest behind it. This was not the case! Me and M decided to go and sit in a rubber boat we had on a hill. Whilst on the boat we contemplated existence, and the possibility of different dimensions. We both agreed this dimension was quite enough for us! Everything appeared very glossy, very beautiful, magnificent, Godly. I felt like I was seeing the world through the eyes of a child. Very content, and wise.

At some point M asked if he could Kiss me. I politely declined, and started laughing. He then went away to play with his football. After that, I lay in the rubber boat by myself, staring at the clouds. I began to see all the faces of humanity in the clouds, which I found very spiritual. I began to think of our conditioned existence on Earth, and thought of the future. I realised then, that I would always be conditioned until death, when I would be born again. The beauty of this thought made me cry. I cried for some time.

After a while, I went back to the cabin with all the people I was with. For some reason I felt very in tune with people. I got the sense that they were all rather depressed individuals, who were lost (sorry but these people were a real drag). At this point I felt the trip had ended, and thought, 'hey, I will smoke a spliff'.

Now this was a bad idea. I smoked a spliff and suddenly FREAKed out. I sort of fell out of the caravan, and ran to a hippies stall and demanded beer (beer is calming when I freak out). I then ran along the lake side, having a panic attack, but just kept breathing calmly until eventually I calmed down. To be honest, I felt it was the weed freaked me rather then shrooms, but I realised I had not fully stopped tripping when I smoked the weed.

All in all, a wonderful experience. Next time hopefully I will be with the ones I love.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 82589
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jan 21, 2020Views: 659
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