Simple Extraction, Simple Experiance
Lactuca spp.
Citation:   Spacy. "Simple Extraction, Simple Experiance: An Experience with Lactuca spp. (exp83082)". Jan 5, 2010.

  smoked Lactuca spp. (extract)
I have read many reports on Lactuca and failed attempts to achieve the effects wanted. I have found by doing a simple isopropyl extract and then applying the product to a cigarette you can get better results.


1. First place material in a suitable container and add isopropyl alcohol.

2.Let sit for at least 1 day. Shake whenever you happen to pass by.

3. After letting soak for a day strain and place liquid in a pyrex baking tray or beaker.

4. Heat on low heat until you are left with a tar or thick liquid.


1. Take some on the end of a butter knife or other tool and spread on a cig.

2. Leave about 1/4 of an inch clean from the tip of the cig.

3. Light and Enjoy.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 83082
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Jan 5, 2010Views: 15,195
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Lactuca spp. (153) : Not Applicable (38), Preparation / Recipes (30)

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