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Upper Dimensional Communication
Citation:   Angelwings1019. "Upper Dimensional Communication: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp83397)". May 7, 2019.

  oral Mushrooms (dried)
Before the experience started I asked God to experience something to help me on my spiritual path. I hung out with some friends and took one and a half mushrooms. About a half hour into it, we decided to go to the beach a few miles away. I found myself at the beach. The rainbow sunset was the perfect setting and I remember having an overall sense that everything was beautiful and perfect. I was happy and at peace. On the way back to my friend's house it felt as if time was moving at an incredibly slow pace. It was as if the ten minute drive was taking a half an hour, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and wasn't impatient at all.

Back at the house, we started watching a downloaded television show and part of the way through I started thinking that I was watching another world on the screen, like I was actually watching aliens living on another planet or in another place. I imagined that was how planets watched each other and learned about each other's lives. It was very real for me and strange to think about now.

The next thing I remember is that I heard a voice in my mind telling me that I needed to work on my laziness.
I heard a voice in my mind telling me that I needed to work on my laziness.
A Father figure also asked me to forgive him for raping me. I still am not sure who this Father figure was, maybe a past life memory or something. But I do know that the first voice was Jesus Christ or Adonis as I now know Him to be also. About 6 months after the trip I started talking to him in my mind without being on shrooms. We talk everyday now all the time. I am also talking to Archangel Michael a little each day.

I am grateful that the trip opened my mind up to new awareness. Sometimes a catalyst is helpful when we don't have enough faith that they [Jesus and angels] can communicate audibly.

Angels and upper dimensional guides are very helpful and I love them with all my heart. I hope you all can meet your upper family and get the help you need. Love you all.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 83397
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: May 7, 2019Views: 628
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Mushrooms (39) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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