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Delivering Mental Truth
Opium Poppy Pod Tea, Cannabis & DMT
Citation:   psilosophical. "Delivering Mental Truth: An Experience with Opium Poppy Pod Tea, Cannabis & DMT (exp84435)". May 13, 2021.

3 pods oral Poppies - Opium (tea)
This experience happened at nationals in Cuba, New Mexico, July 2009. We were about 20-30 miles up this beautiful mountain road, and we literally were on E the whole ride up this seemingly endless mountain road... Finally we make it, park our car, and we won't be needin that thing for about a month.

I was living in the woods at a extremely huge village ran by... Well, everyone there does their bit of work to make the experience amazing for everyone else; quite a beautiful concept.

(about 9:30am) there, they have what is called a trade circle... It's pretty self explanatory. I ended up trading this really sweet knife made out of scrap metal for a few o-pods. Brewed them into tea, drank it down and started to go on a walk through some of the most amazing forests, on my way to the emergency four twenty camp. Waiting for the tea to take its effect.

(about 10am) starting to feel the opium, all over my body it is feeling heavy, euphorically sedating... I'm very at peace, completely comfortable and one with the woods

I wander down one of the main paths just sayin hi to all the friendly hippy kids, just in a positive mood in general. At this time I run into on of my best friends... 'Dude check out what I got!' pulls out a bag of DMT> (He say's)> 'I was walkin' down the path, and this guy was walking the opposite direction a ways down the path coming towards me, but he isn't exactly close yet... But anyways, I notice something strange about the way he was walking... he was mostly floating, his movements seemed way more liquid than the average human. We got to know him for a sec but come to find out, he took off his backpack. It was full of all kinds of things I'm sure I would've wanted, but he pulls out a large unlabeled prescription bottle. It was packed full of DMT, extracted from mimosa bark. I remember, it looked dark orange and was rather gooey (though it was firm enough to mold, like clay). Sooo, he floats off into wherever he was headed... Never saw him again. He gave us a back about the size of dollar bill folded in half twice, and it was half packed with DMT.'

Me and Rhy decided to go hardcore with in and pack a phatt bowl of it. Here's what happened to me:

(@ about 10:30) took a big hit, held it in for about 20 sec / took an even bigger one, inhaling at least twice as much smoke this time.. Starts to get harsh on the lungs so I put the pipe down to take a breather... Okay, the first thing that started happening was all of the blades of grass on the ground started to gain life and started swaying back/forth almost like a dance; now the trees catch on, so they too all start dancing and swaying violently.. It stays this way getting more and more intense every second. It got to the point where all of the woods were swirling together in what I can only compare to a psychedelic roller coaster (I even felt like I was being flown around like a roller coaster) and it got so hectic that literally I got caught into the tornado of existence and went on spin cycle with the universe entwining with everything in the universe. I felt literally like I was everything at once I'm started to get scared shitless. I'm getting worried... OH!! What do ya know? The trip came down about 20 seconds after I began to be afraid... When I came down, I swear I'd never been so more aware of what life is and how amazing this world we live in is. This trip occurred nine months ago, and to this day I'm internally full of bliss because of the Delivered Mental Truth.


Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 84435
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: May 13, 2021Views: 547
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Mimosa tenuiflora (74), DMT (18) : Combinations (3), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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