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Blacking Out on Shrooms?
Citation:   purpleskies. "Blacking Out on Shrooms?: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp85150)". Apr 29, 2018.

3 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
I have only done mushrooms twice so far. My first experience was good, but not great. My second was one that I will never forget. It was me, my boyfriend and my two roommates that ate the mushrooms. We each had close to 3 grams. About 2 hours after we ate them, none of us were feeling the same as we were the first time we tripped. We had a great body buzz but other than that, nothing special. The others that I was with started being negative, talking about how they weren't feeling anything and the shrooms must have been bad. I started feeling kind of down because I was experiencing more visuals and was tripping more than they were. So I decided I wanted to go outside.

I was standing outside smoking a cigarette and just staring up at the sky. It was nighttime and the sky was a bright purple color to me. It was dark but at the same time everything was so clear, I could see every little detail. My roommate and boyfriend came outside to check on me and they were telling me that they weren't tripping at all. This made me feel so sad, I just wanted to be by myself and drift off into my own world. I walked back inside to the computer to listen to some music. I don't remember actually making it to the computer but I do remember coming inside. My boyfriend told me that I spun around in the computer chair and then passed out, face first onto the floor. I was only out for a few seconds but it felt like hours.

I was having the most amazing trip. It was definitely the best experience of my life. I had a total out of body experience, I was up in the sky, the bright purple sky. I wasn't just in the sky; I was part of the sky. I felt so peaceful but it was all so intense at the same time. I felt powerful, like I was part of something bigger than me.
I felt powerful, like I was part of something bigger than me.
I do believe that I found my inner happiness. I must have turned on some music before I passed out because I heard it in the background. Then I heard someone yelling my name, shaking me and trying to wake me up. I know now that it was my boyfriend but at the time, I felt like the sky was talking to me, welcoming me. (This probably sounds dumb to most people, my boyfriend and roommates don't understand at all.) Anyways, I eventually started to wake up but I was so confused. I didn't recognize my boyfriend at all and I was scared that I had a stranger standing over me. I didn't recognize my house either. It was so confusing but I finally realized where I was. Once I got up, I drank some water and felt amazing. My boyfriend was so stressed out and worried about me, he didn't believe me when I told him how great it was. This truly was a life changing experience. I feel like a completely different person now. I'm not sure what caused me to pass out but I definitely had an amazing trip.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85150
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Apr 29, 2018Views: 894
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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