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Tourette's Wonder Medicine
Mushrooms - P. subaeruginosa
Citation:   thenigmah. "Tourette's Wonder Medicine: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. subaeruginosa (exp85505)". Oct 21, 2020.

3 g oral Mushrooms - P. subaeruginosa
Psilocybe subaeruginosa (including australiana & eucalypta) powdered mixture

I am writing this from a sitter’s perspective, one who is very experienced with the fungus realm. What occurred last night was both interesting and humorous. After giving my friend a 3 gram dose of 3 types of psilocybe subaeruginosa, powdered into a find dust, I started to think what effect this will have on him. He is 30 years old, very egotistical, due to size/self maintenance and suffers from a very bad case of Tourette’s disorder. His drug intake is minor, less tolerant than his size would suggest and no experience with psychedelics. Alcohol, marijuana and speed are most common substances he ingests (in that order). Being his first trip I was mildly sceptical about his reaction… “Could this make his Tourette’s worse? Or better?” “Will he react badly to ego loss and or the psychedelic experience, due to his vain nature?”

It kicked in at less effect as expected: minimal visuals, trails & minor sequences, shimmering & waving of carpet, very faint fractal patterning (according to him after a mildly difficult to deliver questionnaire), no nausea, mild softening of ego/deepening of personality, smug and comical. But the most interesting observation was from the time of ingestion, up to the plateau, his tics became non-existent
from the time of ingestion, up to the plateau, his tics became non-existent
. His normal tics are yelling, mega loud hiccups, punching his own chest, slapping his head & a very loud yell, with a super fast sneeze action that looks as though he gets bad whip-lash. These very bad symptoms were literally reduced to nothing.

Nothing major happened during the trip, just much laughter and talking. The suppression of his disorder continued for 8.5 hrs total before he gave into sleep. He is sleeping this inaugural quest off as we speak, so I’m not sure if his disorder will continue to be fixed or even better for that matter. He has agreed to more ventures to the realm, but at higher doses.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85505
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Oct 21, 2020Views: 958
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Mushrooms - P. subaeruginosa (123) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Second Hand Report (42), Health Benefits (32), First Times (2)

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