Unsuspected, Mind Blowing Visuals
Citation:   mind-alterer. "Unsuspected, Mind Blowing Visuals: An Experience with 2C-I (exp85519)". Erowid.org. Jul 7, 2018. erowid.org/exp/85519

T+ 0:00
19 mg oral 2C-I (liquid)
  T+ 3:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 4:16   oral Tea (liquid)
My friends and I all took 2c-I at a small night club gig in our home town. None of us had done it before and we were not entirely sure what to expect. The gig was relatively quiet and a place we had been to many times before so it was a fairly safe environment to take the 2c-I in.

T+00: took the 2c-I mixed with water so that it came to a ratio of 1mg-1ml.

T+30minutes: start to get a strange feeling in my stomach, maybe a placebo or just excitement with what to come. Small amount of lock jaw as well.

T+45minutes: a fair amount of stimulation, pupils dilated. I start to get mild visuals as well, I look out towards a small patch of trees over a hill and the ground starts warping and moving slightly.

T+60mimnutes: at the gig, the music sounds amazing, still stimulated but feel slightly awkward, not prepared to dance. Consistantly encapsulated with a painting on a wall which has very vibrant colours and moves and sparkles when I stare at it.

T+180minutes: the gig ends, nothing substantial to report, gradually coming down, stimulation starting to go and no more visuals. My friend and I decide to go for a spliff on the way home

T+210minutes: walking up a hill towards home I see a tree standing over the crest of the hill and it looks distinctly like a giant goblin creature, I tell this to my friend but he doesn't see it and I start laughing uncontrolably. On the way home there is a certain amount of mind-fuck. A lot of laughing, I stumble into roads occasionally and almost get hit by cars. On the way home my friend says 'it feels like I'm walking on a giant bubble' and this sends us both into extended fits of laughter.

T+250minutes: back home, we are both very cold and we drink tea to warm us up, it feels very nice. We get into bed and simultaneously while we look at the curtains we see the floral patterns start to twist, change colour and come out of the material towards us. I cannot stress enough how vivid this was. I put on some music and go to sleep easily enough. My friend has trouble sleeping as he is afraid he is having a heart attack. He also reported in the morning feeling like he was whizzing through universes.

The next day there was little to no come down. Next time I will know what I am getting into as it was thoroughly mind blowing.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 85519
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jul 7, 2018Views: 833
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2C-I (172) : General (1), First Times (2), Music Discussion (22), Hangover / Days After (46), Various (28)

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