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Giger & I
LSD & Mushrooms
Citation:   Meena S. "Giger & I: An Experience with LSD & Mushrooms (exp85779)". May 7, 2019.

      Mushrooms (extract)
Giger and I
"LSD and Psilocybe extract"

There was a time in the past when I traipsed through the world of trance music and psychedelia. I didn’t need guides and Goa gurus; Zappaesque Cosmik Debris replete with dreadlocks and Ganesh tee-shirts. That groove reminded me too much of school uniforms with everyone owning one. Not attractive enough. I was more seriously involved in learning the many paths and gateways encrypted in my own brain. I could never be a raver.

“The further in you go, the bigger it gets!”

A benign psychedelic person once gave me a reasonable measure of a certain plant extract. DJ Cosmosis had just made a spanking new album, “Contact” and I forged entry into an inner space that is actually larger than the real. At first it was like any normal Experience, deep felt euphoria, a sense of peace, beautiful Thangkas of indescribable beauty, kaleidoscopes of great clarity, color and crystalline structures of flower petals. A swaying lantern in the room caught my attention. Plumes of iridescent spectral smoke floated around with the music. Something said, Watch! And I did, eyes peeled.

The music now emitted a nasal alien voice that sounded like a cross between electronic voice generation and the grinding sound of cicadas. It spoke in the midst of the electronic pulse “and what is important is to look inside yourself and discover you own inherent divinity ….and remember to be a responsible member of the intergalactic community…... this whole physical universe is a hologram.” At this juncture, I realized that there were very large beings actually dancing in the smoke.
I realized that there were very large beings actually dancing in the smoke.
They were female, identical and predatory!

They seemed to be unaware of me, engrossed in psycho erotic self expression- a slow transformation of erect nipples into three inch long iron nails, treaded and grooved. Their three inchers grooved outward and spun synchronized to the music. Their coiffures challenged even the most elaborate hairstyles that are carved in monolithic Hoysala sculptures. They stood at least eight feet tall with faces like ants except for the redeeming feature of bee-stung lips.

There was no fear just an element of kinky voyeurism. Though strictly heterosexual I couldn’t get my eyes off them. It was vitally important at that point, to observe DJ Cosmosis getting them to perform. They swayed and moved under the lamp like the room didn’t exist. I certainly did not. DJs, sounds, tempos and bass lines changed, they carried on. At some stage, the feeling was like I had been carried inwards for Eons through to a gradual fade out as the lantern stopped all emissions. Some six hours had gone by with the girls, before the real world crept in alongside receding images of surrealistic landscapes, close up views of brushes slapping on pigments that create impossibly intricate water color paintings of Nature. Sleep and rest.

Time went by. I never saw them again. I did think of them occasionally and wondered about their origin. It was certainly not just the music. I soon forgot all about them and time went by.

I visited Gruyere once, enjoying the quaint beauty of castle and village. One afternoon, I wandered down a small path and came across a bronze bust of an alien woman installed on the sidewalk. Was this a bad cosmic joke? There was a replica of my girls, placed in the entrance to Hans Rudi Giger’s museum. His horrific and artistic vision of beautiful and lethal beings made the cult “Alien” movie series, today in a museum open to the public.

I couldn’t help but admire his extreme vision. Many years would have gone into conceptualizing those beings. I discovered that Giger’s girls did have three inch nails for teats. The paintings are accurate freeze framed shots from my Experience with the Ant People
The paintings are accurate freeze framed shots from my Experience with the Ant People
; in Black and White. Long talons stretch out languidly. There is a huge alien conference hall replete with Extra Large alien girls holding the four corners pillars upright. A nauseating alien birthing room painted in black and white depicts the ultimate synthesis of man and machine. Furniture is constructed out of spinal bones that seem to have come off several entire skeletons of bovines and large water birds and great reptiles. In fact the entire roof of the Giger Bar is made up of reptile spines in arched symmetry.

Was I destined in some way to see his museum? Are there really “Alien Worlds” in us? As the human neo- cortex is the most advanced, cutting edge part of all biological life, does it in all probability decide what, when, who and why?

[Reported Substance & Dose: "1200mcs LSD / 6ml Psilocybe extract"]

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 85779
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 39
Published: May 7, 2019Views: 690
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LSD (2), Mushrooms (39) : Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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