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Falling in Love on Mushrooms
Mushrooms & MDMA
by Ari
Citation:   Ari. "Falling in Love on Mushrooms: An Experience with Mushrooms & MDMA (exp87085)". Erowid.org. Jan 14, 2021. erowid.org/exp/87085

T+ 0:00
3.5 g oral Mushrooms
  T+ 4:30 1.75 g oral Mushrooms
  T+ 8:30   oral MDMA
  T+ 8:30   smoked Cannabis
As a brief back story, I recently ended a serious long term relationship. I was pretty depressed about it and have been spending a lot of time with my friends to lift my spirits. Specifically, this guy I knew named Frank. Over the past few weeks, things have become far more than friendship, however I was avoiding another relationship at all costs. He went home to his family for the rest of the summer, and I went home to mine, so we aren't sure the next time we will see each other.

We ate the mushrooms as a sort of 'last hurrah' before we went our separate ways. He had a half ounce of them, split into 4 baggies each containing an eighth. Frank and I each ate an eighth, while two of his female friends split another around 5:30pm. At about 6pm, we walked across the street to this park overlooking the entire city of Boston. It was pouring rain, and we ran through the park fountains in our clothes for a while before exploring the jungle gyms. The park was thankfully empty, and we ran around starting to feel the 'shrooms.

At around 7, we gathered our things up and went back up to the apartment. No one was home except for Frank's roommate Alex, who was doing some minor spackling and cleanup to the apartment before they move out. I immediately went into the bathroom and took all my clothes off, standing in the shower completely naked feeling extreme happiness and very silly. I was laughing my head off at nothing in particular, before I accidentally pulled down the shower curtain and turned on the water. Frank is just watching as I do these things, the two other girls get into the shower with me also naked. Alex continued to spackle like nothing was going on, which I laughed about at the time. He came into the bathroom (was completely sober) and stripped, shrugging at Frank and saying 'College...' before they both got in as well. We shut the lights off, and their shower head lit up (red for hot, blue for cold, with a strobe effect when it's in between) so we just all chilled in the shower for a good amount of time. Frank left the shower to get some snacks and came back with a banana, which I brought into the shower and played with, was rather fascinated by it.

At some point, both girls and Alex go off to his room to continue their own party. Frank and I get out as well and go down the hall to his room. I turned on Walking on A Dream, an album by Empire of the Sun (this is a key part, I vividly remember the music at all times during my trip) and we danced around his room naked just hugging each other for what seemed like forever. We eventually made it back to his bed, where we just laid together, feeling the music, feeling at one with each other, touching each other. At one point, Frank started struggling with his trip, he later described it as a sort of transcendental out of body experience. I slowly massaged him, talking him through it, in a way that felt like at the time I was giving birth to him. I literally felt that I was him, and he was me, and we were one, that I made him, and he made me. All I could think about was how natural and organic what we were doing was, that I was a girl and he a boy, and we were enjoying each other as humans should.

At one point, I turned to him and said simply, 'We love each other.' and it was true. I have never had a more intimate experience with anyone, and though there was sex involved sporadically, it was about more than that, and it was the most intense feeling of love I have ever felt. At that moment, my feelings became really clear to me and I realized I should go with the flow and see what happened between us.

The first album ended, so I turned to an old favorite, Magical Mystery Tour, beginning first with I Am The Walrus. We both are huge Beatles fans and we continued on just touching and kissing each other, hallucinating quite strongly.

Around 10, the two girls came running into the room and jumped into bed naked with us. Frank switched the music over to Deadmau5 and the two girls started going at it, making out, going down on each other. I couldn't help but stare and eventually started touching them too. It progressed into a full on orgy, there were naked bodies everywhere, everyone just touching and kissing and sweating. There was some sort of unspoken thing between everyone, neither girls touched Frank, and he didn't touch them either, which made me even more comfortable (I dont like to share what can I say!). During the course of the orgy, Frank was feeding me more mushrooms, he and I split the last eighth between us.

Around 11:30, both girls came crashing down from their trips. They started looking around sort of freaking out, like what the fuck is going on here. They quickly got dressed and left. Frank and I continued to trip together for another 2 hours, feeling a nice slow come down. At around 2am, we changed the music over to Radiohead and decided to take some Molly. It was in a powder, I took 3 or so little spoonfuls of it under my tongue and Frank took 6. I waited for the feeling of 'rolling' to come on, but it never did. Instead, I felt the most amazing sensation of complete relaxation. Just total bliss, of being in the arms of someone I loved, a definite sensation of ecstasy, without the high energy I usually get, a very relaxed feeling of ecstasy I guess. We smoked some marijuana as well to feel further relaxation.

At this point, Frank had been running on 3 days with no sleep popping Adderall like candy while he crammed for final exams. So at around 4am he passed out. I was still very much awake but let him sleep because I knew his body was probably just sort of shutting down. I meditated myself to sleep shortly afterwards and we slept until 1pm the next afternoon.

I woke up feeling fantastically, absolutely no negative side effects especially not the crash usually associated with ecstasy. We stayed cuddled in bed for most of the day, just reflecting on our shared trip and amazing experience together. We packed a few bowls and smoked them as usual, however both felt a minor trip when we started smoking. Things definitely started moving again slightly, but it was completely fine.

Even now, days later, I am in awe and amazement at the beautiful experience of my trip. I feel very much a different person than I was before that night. I have never in my life felt closer to another person, more love for another person, than to Frank during our time tripping. I have also never had a more spiritual experience in my entire life. This was my 3rd time taking mushrooms, the first two yielded pleasant feelings of well being and happiness, but came nowhere near the intensity of this trip.

I will remember vividly the entire night of August 24th for a very long time.


Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87085
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jan 14, 2021Views: 822
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Mushrooms (39), MDMA (3) : Sex Discussion (14), Relationships (44), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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