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I Was Curious
Citation:   Chelsea. "I Was Curious: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp87456)". Erowid.org. Mar 9, 2016. erowid.org/exp/87456

2 g oral Mushrooms
    smoked Cannabis
First Time on Shrooms

The first time I ever tried shrooms I was kind of nervous because I didn't know what to expect. Everybody reacts to drugs differently, sometimes badly, but I was curious so my boyfriend and I got some. We both ate about 2 grams with reese pieces cups to cover the taste a little, then we headed to the lake.

He had done shrooms a few times, and I had done acid before so escaping reality was nothing new, but I wasn't sure when my trip would start or how I could make it come faster, so we smoked some weed. It was starting to get dark and as I was looking at the trees across the lake, the tops of them started to sort of blur together into the sky, but it wasn't anything too excited. Then in my car in the upper left corner of the windshield I saw some blue dots flash, but still nothing to great. Then I got this really intense body high, almost as if on ecstasy or just really high on weed.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
My boyfriend and I decided to drive around a little and see how interesting our night could get. I live in a country town so there's a lot of fun backroads and dirt roads we cruise on (always high of course or else that would be boring). My driving was fine when I started. I was a little scared because my friends have told me about when they drove on shrooms they almost crashed because of what they were seeing - a lot having to do with lights, so I was careful. We were listening to Dave Matthews and Easy Star Allstars, two great bands while tripping.

I started to think about a lot of different things and scenarios, for example not being able to figure out what I looked like. For some reason, I knew who I was, but I felt like I kept switching bodies with people, like a 30 year old woman or a black guy. I was confused, but I knew it was just part of the trip so I didn't complain or tell my boyfriend.
I was confused, but I knew it was just part of the trip so I didn't complain or tell my boyfriend.
We were both in our own worlds but could still communicate. We drove around a little more but I got tired of it so he took over. We were going about 70 until this really sharp corner came up and almost made us crash. It was pretty intense but we were having so much fun we weren't even scared. After we cruised around a little more we came back to my house and watched some South Park and our trip faded away.

My experience with shrooms was really fun and interesting, but it's not for everyone. I would only recommend it for people who can control their sense of reality when their brain is telling them otherwise, and don't do it alone. Also, driving while on shrooms really isn't a good idea.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87456
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Mar 9, 2016Views: 1,732
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Mushrooms (39) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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