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The Mushroom Respects Courage
Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   EschatonDawn. "The Mushroom Respects Courage: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp87633)". Jun 24, 2020.

T+ 0:00
3 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  T+ 0:20   smoked Cannabis  
I have taken mushrooms aproxamitly 7 times, this time happened to be one of the best trips. It was a Saturday evening around 8:00pm; when I ingested 3g of dried mushrooms ground up in orange juice. I have found this method combined with eating very lightly that day, to give the least stomach cramps and longest trip. Also silent darkness for most of the trip if not all.

I made my living room into the most tranquil space I could. I got my pillows and blankets situated on the couch, and had incense on the middle of the coffee table. I set meditating and breathing (I had an ambient stream loop playing from an iphone app at this time). The incense was too overpowering so I put it out. By now it had been about 20-30 minutes since ingestion, and the familiar effects of strangeness were coming on. At this point I started smoking my preloaded bowl of cannabis; this seems to always jumpstart the experience to the next level, this time being no exception.

After smoking I laid back on the couch and got under the blankets. Jeweled geometric figures cover everything. The noises that start to generate in the head are almost of bizarre carnival themes, mixed with some sort of alien presence. While the noise was starting to get a little unsettling, I kept focused and concentrated on my breathing. Then I felt some sort of energy vibration in my stomach area and it slowly would move up my body. At this point there was a shift of intensity. The unsettling noises turned into more of a constant hmmm, which was very pleasing. When the trip shifts from one level to another level it can be breathtaking. The sheer power and energy that you experience is unreal. At some point I remember thinking about the CERN particle accelerator. I had recently watched a video on exactly how it works and the amount of energy it can produce. I felt like I was one of the particles flying through the accelerator, or that’s what the energy feels like when they collided.

These waves were more or less going on the whole time I was on the couch (from around 8pm to 1-2am). Basically waves of pure ecstasy energy, it felt absolutely wonderful. The information filters seem to disappear, and I was flooded with a sense of knowing. Everything made so much sense. If it would have been physically possible, it seemed as though I could have written a book about any of the multiple thoughts flying at me. I had a notebook on the coffee table, but the thought of reaching for it and writing any notes was just inconceivable at the time (I’ve done a 5gr dose before and this 3g dose was surprisingly close in potency) It made me realize that one of the keys is focus. No matter how much information is coming through, I could only concentrate on one thing at a time. I believe that this was one aspect that the mushroom was trying to have me bring back to the “real world”. With the internet and the amount of information that’s available it seems we really can do anything or learn anything we want, but you still have to focus on a specific task and finish it (which is something I’ve realized I really need to work on). I should also point out that from early on in the trip it seemed as if the mushroom was downloading something to me. I know that sounds very strange and I have no real evidence for this, but it was just a strong kind of feeling. Since at some level we are all chemical computers, to me it seems plausible that something like downloading (or uploading) information is possible, especially when you throw in the Terence Mckenna theory that the mushroom may in fact be an alien species from the vastness of the universe.

Above all the mushroom told me that it respected courage. It does require courage to partake in a medium to high dose trip in silent darkness, because you know that you are about to experience unimaginable truths and insights, whether you are ready for them or not. It rewarded my courage with 5 hrs of euphoric amazement. It stressed the reward of courage in day to day life, mainly the conscious effort to break free from comfortable routine loops that are easy to fall into. (Of course some routines are important but I’m referring to the mundane daily loops that keep us from our real goals and passions). Following intuition or heart may seem scary when it involves stepping out of a comfort zone, but this is the key. While I realize that this message was directed towards me personally, I know that there are plenty of others that are in the same situation. There is a next step in life for each one of us. Most of us are apprehensive to take this step or ‘leap’ even, because it is out of our comfort zone to do so. We will be greatly rewarded for doing so though. If used in a respectful and sacred way the mushroom is a wise and wonderful teacher.

As many of you are well aware the psychedelic experience is very hard to bring back and describe because it basically transcends words. This was what I was able to bring back this time. The trip was great, and I’m really going to work on the lessons I was reminded of. Thanks for your time, take the next step, and know that there are others.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 87633
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Jun 24, 2020Views: 559
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Cannabis (1) : Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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