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Escaped Mental Patient
Citation:   templeH. "Escaped Mental Patient: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp8881)". Jun 7, 2004.

T+ 0:00
2.0 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  T+ 2:30 2.0 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
My first experience was amazing and I shared it with my partner at my parents house. But I won't go into that here, because compared to my second high, this was pathetic.

We were at a friends house, another gay couple like us, and we decided to do shrooms again. We all had about 2 grams each, then sat around to chat while we waited for the high to kick in. After about half an hour, our friends started to say that they were feeling it, and about an hour after dropping, my boyfriend said he was too. I was starting to get angry and upset because the first time I did mushrooms, within half an hour I had a tingling rush up my spine and was gone from there. After two hours my second time, all I felt was heavy and tired.

I was mad, and sulked around, while everyone else is dancing around enjoying their high. I wanted to do more, but felt guilty asking. After two and a half hours, I still wasn't high, and my friends offered me some more. Gladly, I accepted. I had about 2 more grams and was in a better mood from that point on. I began to dance knowing that if this didn't work...hell, it better work.

My boyfriend asked if I wanted to go and lay down with him and I agreed. We went into another room and lay on the futon, cuddling under the covers. I rolled over and faced him, and I knew that it had finally hit me. His face, his skin changed colors before my eyes, from a deep red to a brilliant purple, from a shining green to pitch black. We lay there and tickled each other, laughing our heads off, when one of our friends entered and asked if we wanted some weed. I've never been much of a weed smoker but my boyfriend wanted some. So we went into the kitchen and he had some weed, and we went back to the futon to lay down. The color changing effect came back, and we tickled each other some more.

Somewhere about here, my voice decided that it wanted to take on a mind of its own. I had little control over what was coming out of my mouth. Many of my sentences were short and choppy, spoken very quickly and randomly. I kept making references to a person I worked with who came to work stoned every day, and called my boyfriend 'Potty Phil' over and over. Suddenly he shot up in bed and we had a battle with a bad case of Deja Vu. I would say something and he would answer, then right away ask, what did you just say? I had fun with that for a little while, but it didn't seem like it was going to stop and I got concerned. I felt like I was going to throw up and I couldn't breathe. I started to cry as I tripped out, but quickly brought myself back to 'reality'.

Eventually the need to get up and move around came over us and we went back to the living room where our friends were laying on the couch enjoying their highs. My voice was still out of my control and I was now making noises like a mentally retarded person. Sometimes I could be very quiet, other times I could be very loud. Another thing that stood out was that I couldn't keep my concentration up for very long at all. One second I would be saying one thing, ten seconds later I was 'swimming' on the floor in the living room.

Upon noticing a pen in the kitchen I demanded a piece of paper. Some was fetched for me and I began writing thoughts that popped in my head, 'so I could remember them in the morning'. One of the most important things was the time. When I read these papers now, I see that this extreme, psychotic high lasted for about half an hour, and that was only in the kitchen. I freaked out because I noticed that one of the three clocks in the kitchen was one minute off the other two, and requested that they be changed right away.

The high began to subside and I calmed down substantially, but with its side effects. Laying on my back staring at a row of lights my stomach began to feel very ill. Someone once told me that it's next to impossible to force yourself off the high on shrooms, but I felt that if I moved I would throw up all over my friends spare room. My voice kept trying to make me stay high, but my stomach had other ideas. I tried to coax myself down, to stop the insanity, and eventually I made my way to the bathroom.

Sitting on the toilet, my bowels started churning and as I sat there still messed up I was faced with a decision; to stay sitting and risk throwing up or to kneel by the toilet and risk making an even bigger mess. Their toilet sits next to a vent that was belching out hot air, which made it even more difficult to bear. My boyfriend entered the bathroom at this point to see if he could get anything for me, but at that time I didn't feel I needed anything. My stomach kept lurching like it wanted to throw up, but never more. Finally I got fed up with it and stuck my thumb in my mouth to induce vomiting. Three dry heaves later I needed a drink of water. My boyfriend fetched it for me, and I felt better after that, but not much. He emptied a garbage pail for me and I kept it at close hand. Thankfully I didn't throw up that night, and woke up sane the next morning.

The lessons I learned from this experience are that more isn't necessarily better, and how much I have in your stomach can play a big role in how fast I get high. This experience I had had a big meal just before we dropped, and that factored into the delay. I know this because later on, I had only 2 grams on an empty stomach and it was a fast, awesome high with no upset stomach afterwards. Now whenever I do drugs I make sure that I don't eat beforehand to prevent a terrible come up.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8881
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 7, 2004Views: 6,629
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Mushrooms (39) : Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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