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Hippie Flipping Amazing
Mushrooms & MDMA
Citation:   shroomie. "Hippie Flipping Amazing: An Experience with Mushrooms & MDMA (exp89062)". Jun 29, 2017.

T+ 0:00
4.5 g oral Mushrooms
  T+ 1:15 200 mg oral MDMA
21:00 – Consume 4-5 grams of Psilocybin mushrooms
22:00 – Go to dj show
22:15 – Swallow tab of 0.2 grams of MDMA

This was by far the most amazing experience of my life. It did indeed have a lot to do with the quality of the visual effects and lighting at the concert, but it was a great choice to combine.

It started off with the nice preliminary effects shrooms give where I feel happy and start laughing a lot. Once we got to the show, they were almost about half-way through the building up towards the peak (I had eaten quite a bit that day so it took a little longer).

About 40min after consuming the MDMA, the two started to form one blend of amazing physical feelings with one of trippy hallucinations. For example, my entire vision was filled with amazing colors from the light effects, but they seemed to linger and combine with the next color to form a very trippy but awesome blend of washing over me. The next amazing part were the people dancing, each one had an aura around them and it appeared as if they were dancing in a motion where the arm would have decreasingly faded versions of itself as it moved. Hard to explain, but quite an awesome experience. Lights shows are definitely the best environment for this combination.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 89062
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Jun 29, 2017Views: 4,041
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