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A Peek at the Truth About Reality
Citation:   420strudel. "A Peek at the Truth About Reality: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp89634)". May 14, 2019.

2 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
I am 18 years old and experienced ego death after consuming about 2g of 'magic mushrooms.' I should state that I had no intention of having ego death. Anyway, it didn't take long for the trip to become overwhelming. I remembered a friend telling me not to fight a trip. So I relaxed and let things happen, and instead of going into a downward spiral like many people do, it felt like the opposite happened. I experienced oneness, and felt that I was everyone, everything. I saw through infinite eyes (like in the trippy pictures :3 lol) I lost myself and didn't care. I came under the impression that the entire universe was simply a single mind. A mind that sprung up out of infinite nothingness. A lonely, insane mind. All that exists is contained within this mind. It seemed to me, during this trip, that life as we know it is how the mind copes with it's infinite existence. For what seemed like a very long time I was severely aware of time stretching forward, and how existence could never be escaped. It was painful to experience this part, because during that time I wanted nothing more than to not have to exist anymore...but I'm glad it happened. This entire trip was certainly mind-expanding and has improved the quality of my life.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 89634
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: May 14, 2019Views: 911
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Mushrooms (39), OBE (332) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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