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I'm About 3 or 4 Months Pregnant
Citation:   hannah. "I'm About 3 or 4 Months Pregnant: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp89789)". May 29, 2024.

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7 g oral Mushrooms
    smoked Cannabis
Pregnant Mushroom Trip

This trip was nothing particularly special, but I wanted to share my experience with the other mothers-to-be out there who are worried about eating mushrooms during their pregnancy.

I'm about 3 or 4 months pregnant and a week and a half ago my boyfriend and I ate some mushrooms. A few days before that we each ate one mushroom. I had some concerns about doing this because psilocybin is hard on your body. I have enough trouble getting the things down to begin with, and doing so with morning sickness is no better.
I have enough trouble getting the things down to begin with, and doing so with morning sickness is no better.
I've tripped several times, mostly on LSD, which is my favorite substance.

The first time when we each ate one mushroom, my boyfriend started tripping half an hour before I did. We had also smoked a blunt right after eating the mushrooms. I wondered if the baby absorbed some of the psilocybin or if my pregnant immune system was working extra hard to get rid of it. Maybe I shouldn't have smoked; it only ever enhances LSD for me. Either way, when I finally began to trip it was mild and I reached the peak gradually, whereas my boyfriend said he was 'trippin' nuts'. Objects breathed and danced and sparkled, but it was soft and subtle, and I didn't feel the typical head buzz that I normally do. I ended up falling asleep while I was tripping. When I ate the rest of the mushrooms, my boyfriend had already been tripping for a while. It took me about an hour to get them all down, and when I did I puked some back up. I started tripping about 15 minutes later and reached the peak really quickly. My boyfriend and I were feeling really playful and intimate. After 30 minutes of this I felt really nauseous and proceeded to puke out my guts and then dry heave. My stomach felt so much better after this, and the visuals intensified tenfold. I felt and looked exhausted after this.

The man and I went back to what we were doing. This is when my visuals peaked. I wish I could describe some of the patterns I saw displayed on the walls or underneath my eyelids. I wanted to stop and enjoy my trip, but I feel now like that want sort of ruined the trip. I should have waited it out. Afterwards my man went to bed (it was 9am and he hadn't slept the night before) and I took a shower (I'd gotten a few hours of sleep). I always love showering and tripping but it was nothing special. When I got out I looked in the mirror for a long time contemplating myself and the existence of my soul. I also noticed that I looked incredibly worn out due to a pair of huge purple bags under my eyes. I started to feel really sleepy at this point, and visuals got less intense. I laid down, lit a stick of incense, and played some music. I began to think about my soul and how it was 'back'. My favorite reality is the one I exist in while tripping, and I was so glad to be back. I thought about my eternal Self and past lives, and assured myself that I'll be here until the end of time. This was particularly nice since I've dwelt on the idea of death so much recently; since then, I haven't. I fell asleep at some point and enjoyed psychedelic dreams. I was still coming down when I woke up. A couple of days later, anything bathed in sunlight would be covered in psychedelic patterns.

A typical trip for me is long-lasting; very vibrant and glittering visually; mentally, very primal and self-assured; physically, energetic, excited, and playful. My pregnant trip was exhausting, the visuals peaked only momentarily and consisted mostly of patterns splayed across my field of vision rather than sparkling and breathing decor. Nevertheless I must admit that my brain needed a damn good trip and it got one. I can't wait for some more Lu!

My only concerns would be the possibility of puking the shrooms back up, which you can count on if you have morning sickness, as well as the possibility of feeling incredibly fatigued. At least when I puked I tripped harder. :p

I have looked online and most shroom/acid/cannabis babies have turned out just fine or even more intelligent than most. The main concern seemed to be that the baby would trip until birth. In my case this is impossible because my son doesn't even have serotonin receptor sites yet. By the time he develops them I'm sure his body will be able to metabolize them just fine. In addition to all of these conclusions, I've decided that plenty of babies born in the 60s and 70s are probably entheogen babies. If all of them were retarded or deformed we'd have heard about it by now.

I plan on tripping as much as I can while this bun is in the oven! Congrats to all the expectant hippie moms like myself out there ;)

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 89789
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 29, 2024Views: 35
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Mushrooms (39) : Pregnancy / Baby (33), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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