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...And Then It Hit Me-BAM
Huasca Brew (Syrian Rue & Mimosa tenuiflora)
Citation:   Marshall. "...And Then It Hit Me-BAM: An Experience with Huasca Brew (Syrian Rue & Mimosa tenuiflora) (exp90413)". Apr 2, 2020.

T+ 0:00
10 - 15 g oral Mimosa tenuiflora (tea)
  T+ 0:00 4 - 6 g oral Syrian Rue (tea)
  T+ 0:40   smoked Products - Spice-Like Smoking Blends  
Experience: Smoked Marijuana 4 years ago. Smoked synthetic spice regularly. Use “bath salts” occasionally (MDPV). Morning Glory seeds, Hawaiian babywood rose seeds, nutmeg. First time to try Ayahausca brew.

Preparation: I estimated approximately 10-15 grams of finely crushed Mimosa Hostillis and placed it in a microwavable bowl. I had bought the M. Hostilis already pulverized. I then crushed 3 to 5 grams of the Syrian Rue seeds on top of a marble surface with a 25 pound weight and placed the crushed seeds into same microwavable bowl (I would have used an electric coffee grinder or even a hand held pepper grinder but neither were readily available and I therefore improvised).

Once I had both ingredients in the microwavable bowl (the M. Hostilis for the DMT and the Syrian Rue for the MAOI), I then filled the bowl with enough water to cover all the ingredients fully. I am not sure how much water this was but I gauged it by asking myself how much of this stuff I thought I could drink. I bet there is less than a cup's worth of water in there. Once I mixed the ingredients with water I then stirred it up as best I could with the back of a pen. I then placed the microwavable bowl with the water and ingredients into the microwave and heated up the brew in 8 minute and 30 second intervals, stirring after each round. (The reason it is in 8:30 intervals is because that is the default time the microwave is programmed with when I push the “frozen entrée” button and then “Start.”)

I recently purchased fresh lemons and would have added them to the brew at the very beginning but I accidently left them with a buddy of mine and was not able to add them until about 50 minutes into the cooking. So, 5 intervals later I added the freshly squeezed juices of two lemons to the brew along with about 2 more grams of the Syrian Rue and 5 grams of the finely powdered M. Hostilis. I then placed the brew back into the microwave and completed 10 more intervals for a total of 15 intervals (plus addition 10 minutes or so for stirring). In summary, I cooked the Ayahausca in the microwave in 8 minute and 30 second intervals for a total of intervals and added fresh lemon juice at the 50 minute mark. I stirred after each interval. I had approximately 15-20 grams of M. Hostilis and 5-8 grams Syrian Rue. I added more water when needed.

Finally the brew is ready to be strained and then ingested. I have a few tools that I will be using in order to strain the liquid. These include a big plastic cup, a plastic mesh strainer, and an old cloth.

I place the old cloth above the strainer as a sort of double filter. The holes in my strainer look too big for comfort. I then dump the brew out of the microwavable bowl and into the cloth/strainer combination that is sitting on top of my big plastic cup. It is still warm and actually doesn’t smell that bad. I sip on my warm tea for the next 20 minutes.

And so it begins… The time is 0242
T: 00:00 -> I sip on my warm tea for the next 10 minutes. While it may smell lemony fresh, the taste isn’t as pleasant. Oh my god it tastes like I am drinking a glass of puke. I sip on it in between rounds of COD. At 10 minutes my stomach starts to feel funny so I run over to the sink and throw up a combination of Ayahausca and the water I was using as a chaser.
T: 00:35 -> I come back and finish off the second half of my tea. Terrible as ever. I hope this works.
T: 00:40 -> Smoke a few hits of spice. Feel nice and high. Nothing spectacular.

So much for keeping notes during my trip. Whoa. It is now 0720 and I believe my Ayahausca experience to be coming to a conclusion. The entire night I was continually ripping my piece, although the Ayahausca hit me very suddenly. I first remembered thinking “THIS SHIT IS NO JOKE” when I had wandered over to the sink and began looking at my reflection in the mirror. I remember looking at my eyes and just knowing I was beyond fucked up. I then started to look at my cheek bones and jaw line and began to notice my face morphing right before my eyes. I had this sudden urge to think terrible thoughts and before I could stop myself I was face to face with the demon upon my shoulders. I couldn’t bear to look any longer and forced myself to shift my gaze from the dreadful image before me. I then began to stumble back towards my desk in a blissful stupor. As I landed in my chair I glanced over toward my sleeping roommate who was unconsciously scratching his arm under the blanket. The back and forth movement of this action created a rippling in his blanket that somehow transported me onto a ship lost out on the sea. I remember trying so desperately to keep a grip on reality and not allow my mind to spin and morph like it was doing. I briefly remember thinking that I have control over anything that I want to see and that the last thing I wanted to see was more demons. I instead began trying to think of my happy place, a place where I could set the theme, music, and atmosphere of my own beautiful world.

I never arrived at any such destination, although the place that I did end up wasn’t all that bad. My pillow, which was mysteriously on my other roommates bed, dared me to look at it. HELL NO. I didn’t look at that damned thing. Instead my head sank and my eyes beheld a wondrous thing. The tile floor was alive and crawling and dancing and traveling and bursting with different colors and streams of light. It was almost as if my eyeballs were in an airplane and I was looking down thousands of feet below me at the tiny specks of moving lights that are automobiles. It was a miraculous vision.

My buddie just emailed me and asked me “Scale: 1-10?” In response I said “I can’t even put it on a scale because I have never experienced anything like it before in my life.”

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90413
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Apr 2, 2020Views: 926
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Huasca Brew (268) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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