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I Think I'm Floating
Citation:   tootapo. "I Think I'm Floating: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp90733)". Jan 19, 2021.

T+ 0:00
1.7 g oral Mushrooms
  T+ 12:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis
I decided to experiment with mushrooms fairly recently since I had done acid 3 times previously with good results. I figured it would be similar to acid, but I honestly had no idea what I was getting myself into. My boyfriend and I decided to take 1.7 grams each at around 8 pm, the day before 4/20. We took the mushrooms with orange slices to mask the funny taste and texture. We had already smoked a bowl earlier, but as soon as I took the mushrooms I could feel a difference. I felt fairly normal for about 15 minutes.

I decided it was a good idea to have a babysitter, so two of my friends came over to hang out with us. After calling them to come over, I was feeling kinda strange so I laid on the couch which I was pretty much plastered to most of the evening. I was experiencing something very different than I had ever experienced, even on acid. If I looked at anything for very long, I felt an emotional response. It is hard to put into words, that feeling because I couldn't really figure out what was happening while I was tripping. Also, if I let my mind wander, I couldn't feel my body at all. My mind was all that existed.

The visual aspect of it was semi intense. I have a poster of a tree that looked like moving smoke and is normally black and white, but looked brownish to me. We ended up watching the 7th Harry Potter, which was probably a bad choice since it is somewhat of a dark installment in the HP movies. The faces of the characters seemed like they were melting and I couldn't really concentrate on what was going on in the movie.

A few times I closed my eyes because it was hard to keep them open and what I saw was more interesting than the world around me. I saw a world of action happening that I can only describe as something from my dreams. I had no point of reference to relate the things I saw to anything I was familiar with.

The few times I got off the couch, I had the strangest feeling of being very light, like I could be blown away by the wind. My mind on the other hand, felt like it was being overloaded with all I was experiencing, therefore felt heavier than the rest of me.

As you will remember, my boyfriend took the same amount of mushrooms as I did. His experience was much different. He has a weak stomach and doesn't handle this sort of thing well. About an hour after we dosed, he was throwing up and basically unable to enjoy any of the effects of the drug. I felt sorry for him, but there wasn't a whole lot I could do in the state I was in.

I was expecting the high to last about 4 hours, but by the time I fell asleep (still sort of tripping) it was about 1:30-2 as far as I remember. I woke up the next morning feeling alright, but after I smoked my first 4/20 bowl, I got the most terrible migraine which lasted all day. I basically slept most of the day. I attribute the migraine to the mushrooms because I rarely if ever, get headaches that bad.

As I think about all I experienced, I am glad I got to try mushrooms, but I am not interested in doing it again. I didn't like the out of body feeling, but the visuals were worth it.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 90733
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jan 19, 2021Views: 549
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Mushrooms (39) : Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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