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Joyful Fun Meet Blackout Incoherence
MDMA, Alcohol, Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   PissCityRoller. "Joyful Fun Meet Blackout Incoherence: An Experience with MDMA, Alcohol, Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp91207)". Aug 10, 2022.

125 mg oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
    repeated oral Alcohol  
    oral Mushrooms  
    smoked Cannabis  
This was the last time I had an out of control experience using drugs. I'm a fairly frequent user of MDMA (1-2x a month on average), a fairly heavy drinker, a pot smoker and a less frequent user of some other drugs. I had considerable experience taking mushrooms in high school and also did LSD a few time (I'm 26 now). Recently mushrooms had become available to me and I had done 1.5 grams a few weeks before (my first time in years) and had a great experience. As a note, I have always enjoyed psychedelics but have found myself to be more sensitive to them than many other substances, usually opting for a lower dose.

On this night there was a big party in a familiar setting hosted by people I love. I set out to have a good roll on MDMA along with some drinks. I am used to drinking while on MDMA – I generally wait till it hits me before drinking much and then drink slower than normal.
I am used to drinking while on MDMA – I generally wait till it hits me before drinking much and then drink slower than normal.
I had a small supply of 100 MG capsules of MDMA but I had found them lacking in potency so I decided to weigh myself up a capsule with an extra ¼ making 125 MG. I had one glass of wine which was offered to me before taking the MDMA. There was a lot of great live music planned for the party which was hosted in a wide open, spacious apartment filled with a huge crowd of people of a wide range of ages. I had a lot of friends there. The first musical act went on and people sat crossed legged and watching (it was relaxing, ambient electronic music). I sat down for a while and watched, I had a six-pack of beer but decided to wait before opening one. It was around 10:45 PM at this point and I decided I would wait until 11:00 PM before taking MDMA.

At 11 I got up and went to the back of the party space. I opened a beer and while talking with some friends I opened my capsule of MDMA, dumped the powder onto my tongue and swallowed it with a mouthful of beer. As awful as it is I had grown to enjoy the familiarity of the taste. I swallowed the empty capsule for good measure (traces remained inside).

After about 30 minutes I was definitely coming up. I could tell it was going to be a good strong roll which made me happy since I had been slightly dissatisfied with the effect of the 100 MG pills. Soon I was getting the rubber/melting body feeling of coming up on MDMA, along with it slowed thinking and a sense of well being and calm. I after taking MDMA many times I have found that in my experience the initial come up feels almost like a downer. It usually takes about 30 mins of being high before I peak, get my bearings and can enjoy the energetic stimulant effects of the drug.

As I was starting to peak I was surprised at how much higher I felt just from adding the extra 25 MG into the capsule and felt convinced that the stuff was pure and uncut. Quite pleased with myself I started circulating the room finding my friends, asking them how they were feeling and reporting with a tiny perma-grin that: “I'm really high on MDMA!”. Around this time a friend came to find me and told me that another friend had arrived and was looking for me. It was a person I had not seen since high school. Being very high I thought “This should be interesting!” and went to the back of the room to find him. I said hello and started to shoot the shit with him. It was very good to see him. Again I felt the need to explain that I was high on MDMA this time mostly because I was certain that the effects would be noticeable to others and I thought I should explain that, especially since he had not seen me in years. He said his girlfriend had just taken some too which made me laugh. I left that conversation and went back towards the front of the party, closer to the music.

I decide to open the second beer from my six-pack, and smoke a cigarette, sitting on the floor up against the wall with some friends. It was a great calm feeling, like I could just sit here forever and have a wonderful night. Smoking felt wonderful, as it always does during the peak of an MDMA high. At this point another friend came over and he requested to kiss the girl I was sitting next to. I decided to ask to kiss them both as well and they obliged. So the three of us kissed all at the same time. Kissing two people at the same time is one of those ridiculous but awesome things that MDMA facilitates so easily.

From now I will stop reporting on my alcohol intake. It can simply be assumed that I was drinking steadily. I had four more beers and I believe I was given another one after that. This would have lasted until about 4:30 AM. Also at this point I stopped paying attention to the clock so I am no longer aware of what time it was when things were happening. After a while, it must have been before 1:00 AM, I came across the same friend who had supplied the mushrooms I had done a few weeks before. I said hello, asked him how his night was going and proceeded with the usual party chit chat. He then presented an open bag of mushrooms to me. I was slightly uncertain about it but tempted all the same, having had a good experience with them last time and being curious about hippy flipping. Of course this wasn't a good time to really try that being already very high and starting to get drunk too. Nevertheless I decided it couldn't hurt to simply eat a small piece of mushroom (probably about half a gram) which I figured would not be very noticeable but might be interesting all the same. Though I don't regret doing this, I know now that it impacted the night far more than I anticipated and, I believe (due also to all the alcohol), contributed to memory black outs and strange scattered thought patterns. From this point on the night became strange and my memory of it is patchy. Some of the gaps have been filled in by things I have been told about the night which I will explain later. After this I told my girlfriend and a couple of other friends that I had eaten the small dose of mushrooms. I remember feeling very intrigued about having done so.

Shortly after this the DJ's started and the music became far more upbeat (mostly electro house and some dubstep). It was my friend's first time Djing and I remember feeling so proud of him and really excited about the tracks he was playing. I kept remarking to my friends “He's killing it!”, “He's doing so great!”. At this point I was still under control and I don't think the mushrooms had kicked in at all or perhaps they were just starting too. I was already so buzzed that I really didn't ever notice the mushrooms kicking in. At first I assumed that, because I took so little, it wasn't going to do anything but I was wrong. As far as my recollections goes, nothing vastly unusual happened. I made out with a couple more people, and danced a lot. I even remember being introduced to a guy who was on MDMA for the first time and had accidentally been given a double dose. I remember trying to be nice to him and make him feel comfortable. The thing is, there is so much I don't remember about the night. I never normally experience so much memory loss even when combining alcohol and MDMA. I believe this was because adding the mushrooms was just too much for my brain to handle.

There are some things about the night I have heard from other people which I should mention. The most important, I heard from my girlfriend. Her explanation is as follows: She saw me go into the bathroom and followed me in because she wanted to see how I was doing. When she tried to talk to me she found that I was acting very unusual. She says that I was rambling incoherently about 'promising myself to other people' and that it was ok because 'we can all be together'. She had no idea what I was talking about and felt that it wasn't possible for us to have a functional conversation so she decided to leave me be and check in later. I believe my statements must have had something to do with the fact that I had made out with other people but that isn't anything unusual for us as we are in an open relationship and making out with other people is ok to do.

This is the main thing in the night that makes sad when I recall it. I haven't heard anything from anybody else about me 'promising' myself to other people and I think the whole thing may have just been a delusion. It is likely that the reason I was walking to the bathroom in the first place is because I could tell that I was ridiculously fucked up and needed to chill for a while. It is also likely that this was the point in the night where the mushrooms I had eaten were affecting me the most. Another friend also told me that he tried to talk to me at one point in the night but gave up because I was incoherent.

These are the unfortunate parts of the night and because of them I have no desire to repeat an experience like this. The funny thing is there are other people who saw me a lot that night and do not report me being incoherent, just 'really high'. I think there were certain moments that night when I was on another planet though for most of it I was a least in touch with this one. I know at some point in the night I smoked pot because I left my pot at the party and retrieved it the next day. The bag was open on the table. I have no recollection of smoking it that night. I don't remember going home but was told by my girlfriend that she had to help me walk (which is not cool) the next day I felt pretty rough but not as bad as you might think. I woke up feeling great about the night! But gradually as I learned more about what happened and remembered more, I started to feel weird about it.

It is important to note that this was no 'bad trip'. I felt great the whole time, I never felt scared or nervous. The substances I consumed never produced any unpleasant effects. Still though it was not the kind of experience I want to have at a party. It made me forget things and at times it made it hard to connect with other people
It made me forget things and at times it made it hard to connect with other people
(doesn't that defeat the purpose of taking MDMA in the first place??). I believe that if I had not done the mushrooms those undesirable aspects of the experience would not have happened.

On the other hand I believe that if I had not consumed so much alcohol those things would not have happened either. All three substances was just too much! I plan to try proper hippy flipping another time but this time with no alcohol and a more balanced combination of MDMA and mushrooms. I'm sure that will be a very different (and better) experience.

This experience has made me more careful about drinking and drug combinations and I hope writing it down and sharing it reinforces that tendency in my mind.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 91207
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Aug 10, 2022Views: 823
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MDMA (3), Alcohol (61), Mushrooms (39), Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Large Group (10+) (19)

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