Tropical Paradise
Citation:   kRYPT_. "Tropical Paradise: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp9135)". Dec 5, 2003.

2.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
    smoked Cannabis  
I on my way to a H's christmas party, and me and some people I was with had decided to chew some mushrooms. This was my 2nd time trying them, and since I only did 1g the first time (good, but no visuals), I had high hopes for this time.

We chewed the mushrooms around 6:30, and got there around 7, and started drinking beers. Money was collected from everyone there, and people were sent on a pot-finding mission (1/2 oz). Time passed, and it was almost 9, still no weed. The mushrooms had kinda-sorta kicked in, but it was hard to tell with the drinking. I was very irritable and wanted to kill someone, the pary wasn't going good at all (everyone wanted weed).

My friends calmed me down and gave me another beer, and then the weed came. Suddenly, the party completely changed. Everyone was smoking weed, in all corners of the room, you couldn't sit anywhere without having a bong, or a quarter oz joint or a pipe or SOMETHING shoved into your face. The weed kicked in the mushrooms, and I felt better then I have ever felt in my entire life. I spent 3 hours on the couch with my friend's girlfriend, just sitting there, starting out onto the room. It was like the room was a giant picture, moving around. I felt SO GOOD, better then I had EVER felt in my entire life, all I wanted to do was lay there and not move, and enjoy everything that was going on.

H's basement has beach scenery drawn all over the walls, and there were palm trees in the corners, as well as a big christmas tree. I spent half the time thinking I was in the tropics, and the rest starting at the christmas tree as the brances and oranements spun, twisted and roatated in ways they shouldn't have. The wallpaper had waves running through it. The TV was warping into a weird shape.

On the way home, I stopped to smoke a last bowl, which made me noticable higher. (I later found out has been laced with Cocaine, but it was dark and I was really high and couldn't tell, otherwise I probably wouldn't have smoked it). The way home through the snow was very interesting, as the piles of snow looked like sand in the field I had to walk through, and I thought I was in the desert. Whenever I blinked, it was like I was in a different part of the desert, even though I barely moved.

I greatly enjoyed that experience, and look forward to dabbling with Mushrooms in the future.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 9135
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 5, 2003Views: 3,753
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Mushrooms (39) : Large Group (10+) (19), Glowing Experiences (4)

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