New Respect for Psychedelic Drugs
Syrian Rue, LSD & Mushrooms
Citation:   psychedreamer. "New Respect for Psychedelic Drugs: An Experience with Syrian Rue, LSD & Mushrooms (exp93040)". Feb 27, 2018.

T+ 0:00
9 g oral Syrian Rue (seeds)
  T+ 0:30   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:45 5 g oral Mushrooms  
  T+ 0:45 2 hits sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:30 1 cig. smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 2:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis  
Never Underestimate Syrian Rue

For starters I am a very down to earth person interested in exploring my mind. I have used lsd and mushrooms many times, both in large doses combined whatever. I have seen a lot, although, nothing came close or could prepare me for what syrian rue can do to the experience. Always reading about psychoactive plants chems etc. I learned what syrian rue was for and read it could also potenate other psychedelics as well. It was available at a local headshop so I had to try it.

T=12:00pm I boil 9 grams of crushed syrian rue seeds with some lemon juice. Cool it and down the whole thing.

T=12:30pm Surprisingly I can feel the rue already. Along with some stomach discomfort and nausea which was easily cured with a few bong hits :)

T=12:45pm I eat 5 grams of shrooms (which was 15-20 little closed caps with stems) then put my 2 blotters under my tounge to dissolve. I had an excellent day planned my girlfriend (S) her bro (Z) and his girlfriend (C) were goin cliff jumping at a gorge not far away (my biggest mistake of the day). As soon as I consumed my goodies we were off.

T=1:30pm we are about half way to our destination where I smoke a joint and instantly start coming up on something, I couldnt tell this was like no come up I've had before with acid or shrooms. I felt amazing! It was middle of summer absolutly beautiful day which made it better. I had millions of thoughts running through my head. I told everyone I knew what life was all about. It felt like someone was telling me all this in my mind. Watching the hills pass by the trees looked like peoples hands waving up and down (reminded me of the vid welcome to the machine by pink floyd). I was absolutly stunned by this, colors were so intense I felt sooo good and yelled I love syrian rue!!!
I felt sooo good and yelled I love syrian rue!!!

T=1:45pm we arrive to our destination now theres a 20 min hike to the cliffs. There is also quite a few people around which gave me a little anxiety. But being there tripping before I reassured myself it would be fine.

T=2:00pm walking through the woods all of a sudden everything got so intense I had to sit for a few. I sat down smoked a bowl (watching all my tattoos come alive and move around my arms) and tried to get up to continue but I was tripping so hard I could not stand anymore. This is where it all turns real bad. Now I have never been involved in church I never beleived in god or anything like that. But all of a sudden there was an entity floating above the river nearby which I was sure was god himself. My mind was so twisted I could not integrate any of this so I paniced. I told the group (all completely sober) I was going to die. I was so sure I had overdone it and was passing through to the other side. I saw giant spiders and all kinds of geometric patterns floating through the forest. I thought the devil was trying to pull me into hell so I made my girlfriend hold my hand. I started screaming and crying for my mommy!!! Lol I told them call 911 luckily they knew I wasnt going to die and didnt. My girl (S) and her bros girl (C) went to the store to get some oj to help me come down. Meanwhile I make Z hold my hand (boy he must have felt outa place older than me holding my hand while I cry and tell him crazy shit) I was thinkin people are walking by saying wtf is wrong with them. One guy tried to call 911 but Z convinced him it was my 21st bday and I just went overboard on alchohol lol. The girl got back and for the orange juice down my throat. This is where time was not there and I cannot remember anything else.

T=7:00pm all of a sudden I come back to reality and I'm in my girlfriends car and its starting to get dark. I had no idea what I was doing there
I come back to reality and I'm in my girlfriends car and its starting to get dark. I had no idea what I was doing there
. As soon as she told me I did a shitload of drugs and flipped out it all came back and then I started tripping again was completly out of it.

T=7:30pm I come back to consious and tell them we can head home now I've got a grip on reality. On the ride home I felt much better and everything was hilarious I was shouting at people walking on the streets wearing this girly mask in S's car. She said it sounded like I was crying and laughing at the same time. Until morning I could see colored orbs floating everywhere and my periferial vision was still going crazy. And had a 2 week afterglow that was amazing!

In conclusion I have a new respect for psychedelic drugs, and most of all syrian rue. I made a huge mistake being in the woods where I wasnt completly comfortable. Although I had ate 10 strips and ran around like a madman there before being totally fine. I should have stayed at home first to test the rue's powers. Also this expierience has made much more of a spiritual person, I have learned tons from it and have a new respect for religion. I still dont exactly 'beleive in god' the way christians and such make it out to be, but I am positive this all means something.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93040
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Feb 27, 2018Views: 943
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Syrian Rue (45) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Entities / Beings (37), Nature / Outdoors (23), Combinations (3)

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