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The Climb Was Effortless
Citation:   Blissed Out. "The Climb Was Effortless: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp93089)". Erowid.org. Jun 18, 2021. erowid.org/exp/93089

  oral Mushrooms (tea)
  2 - 4 g inhaled Mushrooms  
Cool Shroom Trip

I’d like to write about two experiences I had on shrooms.

The first happened with a group of people, two of whom were friends and the other four who were their friends. We went out for a hike in the southern african countryside in a safe part which had some stunning hills and views. We drank a brew of mushroom tea which one of the guys had prepared. I don’t know what strength it was so was a bit apprehensive about taking too much. I drank about half a cup of the warm tea which tasted very mild.

Straight afterwards we set out on the hike with some water in a backpack. The day was sunny clear skies and very dry. We headed towards the foot of a ridge of hills. After about 20 mins we reached the foot hills and I could already feel my legs getting a bit wobbly. My stomach was a bit knotted as I was nervous about exerting myself on the climb as the hill was rocky and a steepish gradient. During the hike up the hill my legs got more spongy but the deep breathing seemed to fill me with energy. The scenery of rock dry desert-like hills, reminded my of the Carlos Castaneda books I had read. I found myself attuning to the walk and focusing on my footsteps. Even though there were lots of rocks and a lot of scrambling to be done, the ease of focus and concentration made the task of climbing effortless. My footsteps were firm and most decisive. I actually felt like some type of mountain goats deftly ascending this hill. My breathing I noticed was getting a bit laboured so I imagined my whole body being as light as a feather and it worked. The climb was effortless. Every so often we paused to admire the ever increasing height and whilst still I noticed the landscape rippled slowly like a giant ocean swell which came in waves. The colours seemed fantastically enhanced with a huge range and depth to them as if I was noticing new colours that were previously not there.

We passed a small cave which someone said was where the baboons hung out and we saw baboon shit all over the place. I wasn’t concerned as had hiked around them before and they left humans alone. We did however hear their barking off in the distance which echoed and bounced around the hillsides. It was like we had been transported back in time and were walking in a primeval wonderland that time had forgotten. The visuals were mellow and I think I must have drunk a nice low dose. Any more and walking would have become difficult and as it was I half expected to see pterodactyls swooping out the sky. We reached the summit which crested in wide flat scarp and sat for a while watching the sun go down. The peace was blissful and I really felt at one with nature. The real world hustle and bustle seemed a dream away.

As soon as the sun disappeared it began to get cold and a wind whipped up. We started down and I got paranoid about getting down in the remaining light as it would have been a bitch in the dark and I was concerned about stepping on puff adders. I also had to make a phone call and got stressed about making it back on time. I started complaining to my friends and felt really embarrassed later as I came down from the high. A bad ending to a beautiful trip and I vowed never to get high again with any near term commitments to stress over.
I vowed never to get high again with any near term commitments to stress over.

The second time was on a Sunday at the same friends house, just the two of us. I was staying over for the weekend and his parents were out so we were both totally chilled and I was really looking forward to tripping. We started with some joints and got real mellow. We then ate some dried shrooms, about 2-4g of a dark brown small capped variety. Not sure what type. They were bitter and we took a lot of water with them but tasted OK otherwise. It was a day long trip and we laughed our asses off. Real hysterical rolling on the floor shit. I remember getting up and going down his hall to take a piss for what seemed like forever. On the way back I see a small carpet on the floor. The colours were wild and I stood on it looking down at the undulating fabric beneath my feet. It had frills at each end and they started flapping as if they were being blown by an invisible breeze. The wooden floor became glass-like and see thru with clouds below. The rug started undulated more and for some reason I adopted a side ways surfers stance on it and started to ride that carpet. I am not sure how long I was doing that for, but when I finally got back to the lounge it seemed like I had been away hours although my mate says it was about 10-15 mins he thinks.

We went outside. It was a gorgeous sunny day and not a cloud in the blue sky. I sat on wooden log and looked around his garden. What I though previously was just a back yard had turned into a little paradise. A big row of cacti ran along his wall and they were vivid green, pointing skywards almost shouting at the sun. I could feel them rejoicing and basking in the suns rays. It was almost like they were in some holy state of reverence but then I realised it was me in this state and everything I saw reflected or mirrored this internal state. I looked at the floor and brown baked mud met pristine green grass like some Alice and wonderland cartoon scene. My friend's black cat sidled up to me and brushed its body affectionately again my leg. My mind seemed to meld with that of the cat’s. I watched it in fascination as it walked most precisely but effortlessly around the yard. It was in total mastery of itself and its surrounds and I noticed at that moment that I was at total oneness with myself and the world. It is a hard feeling to describe but I could have stayed like that forever. Total utter blissful calmness. All was right in the world. On reflection, I think this is the kind of presence that Eckhart Tolle talks about, when he lost his ego and just sat around parks all day watching ducks, watching people and the world go by and just be. Incredible.

I came down slowly and serenely with no hangover or paranoia. I tried acid after that but in comparison to nature’s shrooms it seemed crass and hectic. Too much jingle jangle. Up too fast, crash down too quick.

Sublime and life changing.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 93089
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Jun 18, 2021Views: 452
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Nature / Outdoors (23), First Times (2), General (1)

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