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Meditating Into Geometric Dimensions
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   Charles. "Meditating Into Geometric Dimensions: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp93410)". Dec 28, 2022.

2 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (dried)
Background: I have smoked marijuana and consumed alcohol numerous times. I meditate weekly and have a positive mindset.

0 hours: I dosed 3 good sized cubensis stems while walking to a wooded trail I visit occasionally. It was a sunny beautiful day and I was listening to some Black Moth Super Rainbow to prepare myself for the unexpected.

1hour: I started feeling a little strange with minor tracers on my hands and distorted vision. I thought I should probably get myself back home before it got more intense, this turned out to be a good decision.

2 hours approximate: I got into my room and didn’t know what to do with myself. I sort of felt panicky and couldn’t tell if I was hot or cold. I forced myself to eat some bread and drink some water. This is when I looked at my computer background which is overwhelmingly trippy; it felt as if I brought the colors of this picture into my room. I listened to a song, Dirt by Tobacco, and I felt as if I could taste it. It all sounded very strange too. My Itunes playlist started doubling and felt very far away. I didn’t know what to do with myself so I decided to turn the lights off and meditate in my bed. This was a great choice for my peak; overstimulation was not preferable for me at the time.

3-5 hours: When I closed my eyes I basically entered a three-dimensional geometric dimension. I wish I could remember more of this dimension in detail, but I remember a sense of a god or gods being present. I felt like I had little control over how I explored this dimension, but I still felt like I had a say there.
I felt like I had little control over how I explored this dimension, but I still felt like I had a say there.
I remember seeing beads materialize at one point, hard to explain, but I saw beads being threaded, sort of in the same manner as a flower growing in a time-lapse video. The trip went sour at one point as my closed eye patterns became evil Halloween themed, but it was easy to guide back. I realized that the mushroom doesn’t want to show you evil things, those were ego-based hallucinations. The mushroom only wants to share complexity with you, a bad trip can only come from fighting the complexity or getting sidetracked from the trip and thinking about weird frightening imaginary things. I finally came to from my meditation, my trippy guitar clock was still breathing and so were the trees outside my window. I went on a walk and had a few drinks while watching the sunset.

Overall: It was a great experience and I would like to go back. Next time I will just stay indoors and clean my room a little better as to avoid confusion, and I will just meditate through the whole trip. The only drawback of the experience was I had a lot of anxiety and mood swings for about a week after, which I attribute to obtaining the insights of a new dimension. I felt trapped in my physical body for about a week, but after the hump of that week I feel happier than I was before.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93410
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Dec 28, 2022Views: 231
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)

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