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My Mind and Body Was Being Controlled by a Malevolent Spirit
Citation:   Pauly. "My Mind and Body Was Being Controlled by a Malevolent Spirit: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp93885)". Apr 29, 2018.

1.75 g oral Mushrooms (edible / food)
Mushroom Malevolence

I have experimented with a moderate amount of drugs in my life, but have never done a powerful psychadelic like shrooms before.

So some kid I am pretty good friends with told me he was getting shrooms this weekend and asked me if I wanted any. I said 'sure'. So I got the shrooms, but I was a little confused when it turned out to be a piece of chocolate, which he said had the equivalent of 3.5 grams or an eigth ounce of shrooms mixed in with it. I was a little bit skeptical, but I went ahead and ate half of it when I got home, thinking I'll see what the effects are and decide if I want to eat the other half.

About 40 mins into it, I start to see visual distortions. Everything that was supposed to look rectangular, looked spherical. Walking became a little difficult. It felt like I had to put effort into making sure I make the right muscle contractions with each step.

I layed in bed and watched tv for a little bit, having just minor visual distortions. For some reason everybody on tv looked like their head was a big rubber halloween mask. I felt like thy were all in on a hugesecret, and were trying to exclude me from it. I had an overwhelming feeling of 'malevolence'

It felt like my mind and body was being controlled by a malevolent spirit. I felt like I was superior to everything, and this whole world was a joke. At one point I stood up and walked around my room. My legs felt like they were robotic ,and I struggled to walk. I also noticed I was experiencing bad muscle pain. I picked a shirt off the ground, and started laughing at how small and insignificant it was in the grand scheme of things. I then started trying to rip it in half. I struggled hard to rip it for a little bit, getting pissed off at it. It felt like the madder I would get at the shirt, the stronger I would get. I eventually ripped part of the shirt, and the noise it made scared me. I turned off the lights and jumped in bed, trying to find the most comfortable position, because of my muscle pain. I stayed in that position for probably about half an hour, feeling like my soul was completely dead. It just felt quiet, empty, emotionless. All I could do was lie there and feel 'dead'. Then I suddenly got an urge to sit up, and acted on the urge. I still was having visual hallucinations but I didn't feel dead anymore. I actually felt like I was reborn. I started laughing, feeling so good to be alive. I felt like calling all my friends and family telling them how happy I was, but I decided it probably wouldn't be a good idea. The visual hallucinations and body aches went away gradually over the next few hours. I didn't have any bad aftereffects. In fact, for the whole week afterwards I felt great. I felt like it 'defragged' my brain, making it run little better, and gave me more mental energy. I think there also could be some residual long lasting positive effect on my brain.

Exp Year: 2011ExpID: 93885
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Apr 29, 2018Views: 805
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