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Seizure, Pass Out or Out of Body
Citation:   Trust God. "Seizure, Pass Out or Out of Body: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp94477)". Feb 28, 2019.

  oral Mushrooms
A little about myself. I am a 22 year old biology major. I have tripped more times than a Siberian Shaman. I have more experience with psychedelics than anything. I started tripping 3 years ago with morning glory seeds and Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds. I have done shrooms, some type of 2cb or synthetic mescaline, salvia, mcpp, MDMA, too much of the legal garbage to count, the infamous marijuana plant, and well you get the point.

So I've tripped out on mushies the past 3 nights. Something I rarely do but the semester just started back and I'm taking calculus 2 and should probably focus on that. So the first 2 nights were amazing spiritual experiences, and the 3rd trip was nothing less of a night terror.

The night started off with a huge party at my folks house. We are rednecks so my parents throw parties downstairs and play pool, pick guitar, drink moonshine, and smoke marijuana cigarettes. I don't like to drink that much so I went upstairs and took a nap hoping to wait the party out so my best friend and I could enjoy the remaining 4gram mushroom that was left over from my half O. 

My friend is lactose intolerant and we ate a big bowl of chicken Alfredo. Dumb decision number 1. So it was about 10:30pm and we gave up on waiting out the party  and decided to cut the large fruit in half (Approx 2.5g each) while the party was still causin' a ruckus. Bad decision number 2. We went upstairs to my study which is a very small room with a book case that has all my shaman, math, biology, and tripping books. There is a table, a couch, 2 book shelves, and a tanning bed in this small room. I turned on a black light and mashed the button to project stars on the ceiling. Then me and my buddy lay in the floor with a bunch of pillows and blankets. We were  literally laying side by side shoulder to shoulder. We are really close friends and heterosexual male bonding is appropriate while being enlightened. So it didn't bother us being in such a small enclosed environment. We put on my favorite native American song 'Yeha noha' (a must have for a shamanic experience).

I heard my drunk dad stumble down the hall and go to bed. So finally around 11:30 pm we had the spacious basement to ourselves. We went downstairs and brought the pillows and blankets with us. I was tripping pretty hard by this point, and Adam was tripping way harder than me because I had a tolerance from tripping 3 days straight. 

I was running around making weird noises, rolling around in the floor. Just letting go of normal reality, and really releasing a lot of built up social normalcy. My friend Adam is a pro guitarist. He is a shorter fella, but when we were juniors in high school he could bench press 325. So he's a very fit and well mastered individual. This is where things quickly went down hill.

He was playing guitar and leaning against the pool table. I was on the pile of covers and told him to eye gaze with me. This is a powerful Buddhist practice that we just learned the past weekend when we visited a shaman in Nashville.

We stared into each others eyes for about a minute. The ceiling started violently moving around behind his head and his face was doing the normal shroom thing. We laughed and he put down the guitar. The guitar slid on the edge of the pool table and nearly hit the ground. It was odd for him to be so careless especially when it is my Martin. The guitar didn't fall, but he took a couple steps away from the pool table and his whole body locked up, and he fell backwards onto the concrete floor and hit his head. I thought he was just messing with me. But he hit very hard and didn't attempt to stop himself at all.

I ran over to him and placed my hands on his stomach and arm. At this point he is making noises like he is having a seizure. His muscular arm is tensed up partially in the air. I asked him what the 'fuck just happened! Are you okay?!' He came back in just a second or two, and I asked him 'what happened, you just fell?' He argued with me and said  'no I didn't.'  I say 'dude what the fuck your laying on the floor of course you fell!' He stumbled to his feet and layed down on the couch.
I say 'dude what the fuck your laying on the floor of course you fell!' He stumbled to his feet and layed down on the couch.
He was sweating all over and was pale yellow. I couldn't tell if he really was pale or if it was just the shrooms. I run up stairs and fetch his a glass of water, and run back down to him. I ask him if he is alright and he says yea I'm fine. He is still very disoriented and confused and tripping hard. I am freaking out debating on driving 30 minutes to the hospital. I think about checking his pulse, and all the medical procedures I learned serving in the marine corps. Nothing comes to mind because he is tripping and I didn't even know what to do for this besides get him hydrated and not let him slip unconscious again. He lays down in the floor and I'm hugging him telling him I thought the good lord called him home. He tells me he left his body and saw his 11 year old little brother. He said it was like a rush of negativity hit him, and that he could hear a voice saying 'you cant do nothing HAHAHA your hopeless!'

His memory of the fall was coming back slowly and over 30 minutes he finally came back fully. I was still freaking out hard because I thought it was something spiritual due to the eye gazing. The look of his face when he fell sent horror through my heart. Adam has had a very rough past few months. He used to put roofs on for a job, and it came a flash rain last summer and he slide off a tin roof 20 feet and landed on his head. He was knocked unconscious for 5 minutes and the idiots he worked with didn't even call an ambulance. He worked the rest of the day, and even drove 40 minutes home. He said he couldn't control his body temperature and was freezing in 100 degree weather. So this leads me to believe he had a contusion. Long story short Adam has been depressed and has been fasting and hadn't ate in 2 days. I was not aware he hadn't ate anything other than a couple nuts. Then he drank a few beers at the party, and to top it off he ate all that cheese being lactose intolerant. Oh and not to mention he is totally healthy eater and never drinks sodas. He had a soda that night so his blood sugar level peaked very fast. 

It was just a bad decision after bad decision. We finally came to the conclusion it was a bunch of crap that lead to him passing out. Not eating for 2 days isn't a joke and drinking 70g of sugar when your not used to eating any sugar probably isn't very smart either. He might even be diabetic.

We eventually was able to partially enjoy the rest of the trip. I learned much from this rough experience. I became aware of people's weaknesses and how much responsibility I must take to help out others. Adam said it was a rush of hopelessness similar to his experience falling off the roof. I just layed there and hugged him jokingly telling him he's like a big unwanted wet puppy dog. I love my best friend and I really thought he was dying right in my floor while we were tripping. 

Everything returned to normal and him and his girlfriend got back together and came over tonight and we just talked about the experience. Now we make jokes about the noises he made when he was flopping around. 

This was my first bad experience on mushrooms, and really it wasn't bad. It was just an eye opener. You can be all fun and giggly one moment and the next you could be called to be with our creator. I thought my buddy was having a seizure and was going to die, but fortunately the energy of life was generously restored to him. Be good my friends and do good things, because we never know when it is our time to go. People have spiritual, psychological, and physical pain. It is up to us to help each other out, because some people don't have families they can rely on.


Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94477
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Feb 28, 2019Views: 988
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7)

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