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The Shadow of Sound
Citation:   Elgin Bobikins. "The Shadow of Sound: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp94536)". Jan 5, 2018.

  oral Mushrooms (fresh)
I had some experience with LSD in my early 20's. During that time, I occasionally had access to blotter, microdot, and on two occasions, liquid LSD.

I was always one to take such things very seriously. While others would consider it a party drug, I seemed to inherently understand that any trip was an opportunity to be fully explored. Perhaps it was due to my fondness of Carlos Castanada. I remember getting together 5 individuals, pre-treating them with a tricyclic antidepressant, then snorting a small amount of cocaine immediately before dropping to ensure the maximum effect. I can't explain the neurophysiology now, though due to the line of study I was in at the time, it was certainly a rationally well-thought out consideration.

Regardless, several years later, I decided to grow 'magic mushrooms.' After purchasing a spore print, and either building or buying the necessary equipment, I began the endeavor, and in less then a couple months I had access to a continuing and on-going supply of fresh, and extremely potent mushrooms.

I tried them several times with friends and we enjoyed them tremendously. But, I wasn't getting the experience I wanted. As I mentioned, I consider such things a gift to be used wisely, and though I'm not above just having a good time, I would much rather put time and effort into the preparation for such a trip, so I can get something valuable out of it. Something I can take with me. A state of mind that will continue that will help me in the future.

Given that, I did the following over approximately a 3 1/2 hour period....

I chewed approximately 1/4 oz of fresh mushrooms by myself [discrepancy with Reported Dose of "4 grams"]. I'm not a big fan of taking a small amount. If I am going to take a journey, I should make sure I take enough to ensure that I fully experience the experience. That is part of the reason one should be fully aware and knowledgeable when taking this type of drug. Why would anyone want to take it, and just get a buzz is way beyond me.

After approximately 30 minutes, when I began to feel the body effects of the psilocybin, I laid on my bed on my back and concentrated on something I had read. Everyone knows that light casts a shadow. What most people don't consider is that sound casts a shadow too. Not in the sense of physics, but in the sense of psychology. I concentrated on the cars going by, then tried to listen to the shadow of the sound. I had read that this provides a doorway. A way to move into the subconscious or outside the body. A key to perhaps perform astral travel. Well, it worked for me. After 45 minutes another car went by. I had been concentrating on the 'shadow of the sound.' I had read that this was a doorway. I just didn't know where this door would lead. Then, I went through the door.

There was no sense of movement, but only blackness. Everything was black. I had no sense of my body. I felt like a disembodied consciousness. Everything was completely black, but then slowly my vision became clear. It took me awhile to determine what I was seeing.

That was before the Hubble telescope came out, but now the images that are returned from that device--one of the greatest built by man--remind me of what I saw. I was looking at a galaxy. It wasn't the Milky Way, but another. I was immediately enthralled. I wanted to see if I could have an effect on what I was seeing, so I reached out with my 'hand' and 'flipped' it through the clouds of gas at the edge of the galaxy. I had to zoom in closer to a cloud of gas, the clouds that stars form from. I watched the birth of about 6 stars that would've formed anyway. My interaction speeded up gravity and I was able to watch the birth of multiple stars from my interaction.

Then, I decided to do something different. I came close to the galaxy's arm. Once close, I decided to follow it up toward the center. I got the rushing feeling I get when big amounts of scenery are rushing by--like the view from a plane.

At some point I stopped. I looked at the galaxy. At this point I was some point up its spiral arm and decided to go down to a planet. I felt a rushing feeling, as if I was moving so quickly that my mind could not comprehend it. Everything went black, exactly at it did during the beginning of my 'trip.' I was conscious and fully aware in a place without sight, but a little bit of sound. The sound I heard was water dripping into a pool. As my vision slowly resolved itself--it was as if some fog or cloud was moving away where all that was there slowing burned through, exactly like the first view of the galaxy I experienced earlier--I realized I was inside an clay/adobe hut. Sitting across from me was another human--a homo sapien--squatting with a spear between his legs looking at the water dripping, just as I was.

After an indiscriminate period of time, I decided to go somewhere else. I had the same rushing feeling, everything went black, and the experience of the fog dispersing occurred again. I was back laying on my bed.

I've done mushrooms several times since, but never had specifically tried to use this door, e.g. prepare myself spiritually. Considering the continuing research that shows the positive effects on personality and well-being with occasional doses of psilocybin, I certainly plan to do it in the future.

In fact, as death nears, I'll curl up with the Tibetan Book of the Dead and a dose of what I consider a friend to ensure that I meet the friend that lurks over my left shoulder. And I may explore a little more than that before I leave this dimension.

Exp Year: 1998ExpID: 94536
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jan 5, 2018Views: 777
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