Last Trip on Ridge
Mushroom Chocolate
Citation:   Parakeetfoot. "Last Trip on Ridge: An Experience with Mushroom Chocolate (exp94701)". Feb 18, 2013.

  oral Mushrooms (edible / food)
    oral Chocolate  
The format this time came in the ways of two chocolates each golf ball size. Wasn't sure if they were the real deal or some ripoff, so one I handed off to a friend to try another, time. Set aside a sunny day in June, chose the environment with relative peace and comfort. Chomped down the snack noting a slight metallic flavor and walked down a country road, then a gravel path under some power lines buzzing above. About half hour passed before noticing a slight effect, could feel the electricity above, the vibration echoing through my skull.

Grabbed an apple packed along to chew finding comfort in the flavor. Made way toward some ridges with spectacular views of the valley below, continuing to the horizon, feeling the pressure of an entire continental land mass, bathing in the shimmering summer landscape.

Started worrying about tasting iron in my throat, thought my guts were damaged. Kept spitting on rocks checking for blood. Got the worst most paranoid feeling, that this was my very last day, poisoned, finally would kick the bucket. Began systematically making peace with my life and existence. Kept spitting up chunks of guts, figured my jaw was out of control also since I was biting through my cheeks from the inside and spitting bits out. I must have had no face or so it was viewed.

Later reality showed that 2 juicy apples were chomped up, just forgot I was consuming them. Feeling absolutely horrible, hours must have gone by. My very last schroom experience, yet fascinating to know that one can resolve an entire life, say farewell, and have little fear. Done, finished, parted with other old friends like EXTC, no desire to explore any higher awareness. Such levels can be reached by plain meditation, thought manipulation and logic.

My friend consumed the other chocolate ball in his apartment with girlfriend watching TV and had a wonderful experience.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 94701
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Feb 18, 2013Views: 555
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Mushrooms (39) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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