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Shocking Little Seeds
Poppies - Opium
Citation:   JezDD. "Shocking Little Seeds: An Experience with Poppies - Opium (exp94988)". Nov 18, 2022.

390 g oral Poppies - Opium (tea)
My first time trying Poppy Seed tea was a few weeks back, where I took only 260g of seeds and I felt a mild buzz which was pleasant but not all that intense. I just however, last night took 390g and will most likely never do that much again.

I made the tea as usual, adding the seeds to the bottom of a empty spring water gallon container and then adding enough water to cover them with a liberal squeeze of lemon juice. Shook it for about a minute then let it sit for 15 minutes before shaking again. Strained it out using my coffee filter and added a blueberry tea packet to the muddy looking liquid and a LOT of sugar. It still tasted like ass, and the bitterness made me almost instantly nauseous. I found following each gulp with a shot of cranberry juice helped ease my stomach.

>15 - 30 min< I start to feel my muscles getting warm and loose feeling, like after a IV shot of Dilaudid at the hospital. Not as intense a rush, more a slow creeping sensation.

>1 hr< I am feeling it fully now, and it is intense. Very comfortable euphoria, I do not feel like moving, just want to sit and talk to my boyfriend and not move.

>2 - 4 hrs< The high does not decrease, just stays level with a few peaks now and then where I feel even higher. Very floaty sensation, equivalent to when I was very sick in the hospital and was given a massive dose of Dilaudid.

>5 + hours< I start to itch and nod badly. I cannot control my slips in and out of consciousness and I feel like I want to itch my skin off. I attempt to go to bed, but am so out of it I end up ust grooming my cats for a while before I make it to bed. I lay down and slip in and out of itchy sleep, vivid disruptive dreams. I finally get up and take some Benadryl and it allows me to sleep

I slept most of the next day, waking up with my skin sore from my scratching and I feel a little odd, almost like withdrawals. I think that was a bit too high of a dose for me, as I have no narcotic tolerance and just wanted the tea for mild euphoria and relaxation. I will not be trying tea again for a few weeks so as not to grow addicted, and this time I am only going to do 260 g again.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 94988
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Nov 18, 2022Views: 388
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Poppies - Opium (43) : General (1), Alone (16)

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