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I Won't Be Doing This Again
Citation:   MindBlown. "I Won't Be Doing This Again: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp95131)". May 17, 2018.

17 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
=[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
It was Friday night and I had acquired a rather large amount of cubensis the day before. I had a quarter ounce of what I believe to be liberty caps and a half ounce of some huge white mushrooms with blue-black stains on them. I had given about 3g of the liberties to my sister and her boyfriend, and we went to laser tag which was a blast. I was waiting until I got home to take my shrooms but they had a pretty good trip while they played.

As soon as I got home at about 7:45 I ate up my shrooms. I had taken out about 2g of liberties for my friend S who would be over in about 30 minutes, it would be his first time taking shrooms. I have had a fair bit of experience with LSD and shrooms in the past and consider myself well-prepared mentally for a heroic dose, so I ate all the powder and most of the liberty caps, and then all of the half ounce of big white shrooms, coming to about 17g total. I threw up while swallowing down the big white ones, but I swallowed it back down because I didn’t want to waste the shrooms.

I began to feel great after about 5 minutes and when I closed my eyes I had the most amazing bright and colorful visuals. It was amazing! I began to trip harder and harder and by the time S showed up I was really messed up. I’m pretty sure around this time I smoked a bowl of some dank weed.

Monday was going to be S’s birthday, so I gave him his shrooms for free and was going to smoke him out when they began to take hold. After he ate them it started to get pretty crazy for me. I cried and told him how beautiful life is and how we’re going to be dead one day. I felt like I really knew what that meant. It was so so amazing. I felt great about the whole experience so far.

After a few minute of enlightenment and euphoria, I can only describe how I started to think as rapid realizations and thoughts about life. I started to ramble on about “Why am I me? Why are you you? What do you think being a dog is like? Why do we get the privilege of being human beings?” I also felt like everything else in the world that I had only read about or seen on TV, such as foreign countries and everyone in the government were all just made up or something. They just didn’t feel real.

My friend thought I was acting a little crazy so I decided it was best to relax and listen to music. I plugged in my headphones and couldn’t even focus enough to plug in my iPod. I just laid there and felt so ridiculous. I didn’t need music because I could start to hear this horrible, haunting sound. I can’t really explain it, except that it scared me. This was the first time I’d felt scared on psychedelics. I started to feel disconnected with my body, as if all I were was a floating brain, beginning to rise out of my body, very gradually.

I yanked off my headphones and asked S how he was feeling. He didn’t feel anything yet. I sat there and listened while he was watching Avatar: The Last Airbender and it sounded so strange to me. The speech seemed slow and dim and I couldn’t really understand any of it. Suddenly S said “I think I’m starting to feel something.” Which got me pretty excited. My friend S takes anti-depressants and I think this is why things went how they did for him. By this time S had smoked a bowl of my dank.

He started to feel great and I knew exactly what he meant, it was how my trip started out. But by now things were extremely distorted for me, my body didn’t feel or look like it was mine. I laid in bed in amazement at how strong this was coming on, maybe about 45 minutes to an hour after I had taken them. My reality became unrecognizable
My reality became unrecognizable
, I felt completely dissociated from my body. I was absorbed into the fabric of the universe and felt indescribable. It was terrifying yet extraordinarily amazing. I couldn’t feel my body, everything looked jumbled and colorful. When I tried to touch something I couldn’t feel myself touch it of feel that I was using my arm. I couldn’t really do much. It occurred to me that S was having the same trip, but on a much lesser dose.

After what seemed like an eternity of the most intense experience of my life, I finally calmed down enough to talk to S and see how he was doing. He calmed down at the same time as me (I don’t think his peak was quite as bad) and we decided to get something to drink. Before we went we started laughing hysterically at what just happened to us, and we both felt great to know we were returning back to normal. We went downstairs where my grandma was, and into the kitchen. She came in and I tried to hide my face from her by looking busy with my hoodie, trying to zip it up. But I was struggling immensely. “What are you doing?” she asked me. “Nothing just, er, fumbling with this,” I said extremely nervous.

When I finally get it zipped up I turn to the fridge to get a drink but she’s standing behind me staring at me. I look at her and can’t keep from smiling and immediately she knows something’s up. S ran away upstairs freaked out. After a brief exchange in which Definite Overdose

I told her nothing was going on, she went back into the living room, very upset. I went in and apologized and felt horrible. We talked for a few minutes and I apologized. I told her I took mushrooms and tripped out so bad that I never wanted to do drugs again, and we talked for awhile about it.

After that I went upstairs and S and I hung out for awhile. I was still tripping really hard but it was mostly just a happy joyous feeling. We smoked some more bud so we’d feel better but it just made us trip out again. I laid in bed and commenced to make strange howling noises in the middle of which we broke out in more extreme laughter. We felt great at the time and got on the computer and smoked some more bud. The next two hours or so just consisted of us talking about what just happened and finishing off our weed, which by the time we finished it was making me trip rather hard again. S laid down and eventually fell asleep, while I attempted to play some Skyrim. The bud proved too much for me though and I promptly passed out while sitting in the chair, later awakened by my grandma. I climbed into bed and felt amazing as the breeze from my open windows swept across me.

I woke up this morning feeling extremely hung over and definitely not all there mentally. I still remember vividly what I felt last night, and I hope I do forever. After that experience I have no desire to acquire marijuana or any drug for that matter. I feel like I’ve gotten what I wanted out of the trip and I feel great about life. S and I have no regrets about what we did but we both agreed it wouldn’t be happening again.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95131
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: May 17, 2018Views: 858
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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