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Mm Mm Good
Mushrooms - P. cubensis & 5-MeO-MIPT
Citation:   deathtalking. "Mm Mm Good: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis & 5-MeO-MIPT (exp95584)". Dec 3, 2020.

2 oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis (fresh)
  9 mg IV 5-MeO-MIPT  
    smoked Cannabis  
Going into this I had been wanting to shoot 5meo-mipt into my veins for a couple of weeks and I had also been waiting for my mushrooms to finish growing so I could enjoy nature on them.

The day that the mushrooms finished growing I picked them and ate 2 of them to see how strong they were. This was at 7:00 am as soon as I woke up and had nothing in my stomach. I could feel my body still digesting from when I was sleeping and the mushrooms kicked in really fast. I got an initial head rush and sense of power and this completely wiped out all the nervousness I had going into the trip. Once my body started feeling all warm and like it was wrapped around me extra tight I went to take a shower and must have stayed in there for a good half hour. This was interesting because I was texting my child's mother and the numbers would rise and shrink again and the moisture getting on the screen really added to the fun, but I felt very strong emotion while texting her and it allowed me to see why I was having some of the problems with her that I was and by the end of the shower I felt like I could talk with her again.

After my shower I decided to take a walk and listen to the postal service album. I leave my house and it is very chilly out and I decide to come back in for a hoodie and that's when I decide to bang this moxy. I get everything ready and I hit my vein and think well here it goes... And IMMEDIATELY as I let the belt drop I felt the chemical buzz pulsing through my body and I went through all the phases of a normal 3 hour trip in 30 to 45 seconds. I felt everything in that time so hard and intense the only way to describe it is a 3 hour trip that happens all at once. Craziest feeling I've ever had in my life also the most pleasurable. By far the most pleasurable.

I leave and go walking through the woods in my backyard and I came across a fallen tree that acted like a bench with another log on the ground that was all spiraled and different colors. I felt like I was meant to find this and it was there for a reason. After this I was feeling great, I felt one with the universe and I was just walking along touching things. Colors were so much more vivid but nothing was really melting or moving. Once I left the woods I came across a sidewalk that winded up a hill like a snake (this looked REALLY fucking cool) so of course I walked up it and found a park with some swings. After swinging for a while and feeling like I should move on I walked down the street and found a basketball that I started kicking down the road. I still had a pretty heavy body load and this was almost 4 hours after eating the mushrooms.

At this point I decided to go see an old friend of mine and I found it very nice to talk with her. I have always had great communication with her and being there with her really made me appreciate that whereas before I just took it for granted. We smoked a bowl and after being there for about 3 hours it was time for me to go home. By this time I wasn't really tripping anymore I just felt extremely high. This was a really solid adventure. I really enjoyed my day and once I got home I smoked some hash oil and ate a bunch of food. The overall combination of drugs was great and I clearly enjoyed the rush of the moxy the best here but the naturalness of the mushrooms was just perfect. This was honestly a perfect day.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 95584
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Dec 3, 2020Views: 998
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5-MeO-MIPT (287), Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)

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