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The Green Fart
Mushrooms - P. semilanceata
Citation:   ZOGO. "The Green Fart: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. semilanceata (exp95916)". Apr 29, 2019.

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7 g oral Mushrooms - P. semilanceata (dried)
There were four of us getting ready for a night of partying. We started drinking and smoking marijuana when one friend brought out a huge bag that was once filled with a pound of liberty caps. Although the bag looked nearly empty with only about an inch of broken up mushrooms in the bottom, there was still slightly over an ounce left. We were drunk and so it seemed like a good idea to split it four ways and just trip till morning. Sometime after eating the shrooms we decided to eat snacks and it gave us gas. One of the guys farted and that was the beginning of the trip. It was a loud obnoxious fart with a lot of stink so we all laughed and ran away from the smell. The fart then appeared to float around the room and we all got caught up in the trip together. One guy claimed it was Green and we all could see it was in fact Green. It chased us around the room for awhile and finally settled in a corner of the room near the ceiling just watching us. Every time I looked at it, it would wink and it had a smirk on its ghostly face.

As the night went on we all agreed it was up to something and later we found out what it was up to. It was waiting for us to forget about it so it could sneak up our noses and wait to be farted out again. Each time one of us farted it grew bigger and stank worse. We all laughed so hard that it started to laugh with us, this made us laugh even harder and fart more. We decided that the smell was so bad we needed to go for a walk. It was windy outside and when my friend opened the door the fart blew away. That was the last we seen of 'THE GREEN FART'. We laugh about that night to this very day.

Exp Year: 1989ExpID: 95916
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Apr 29, 2019Views: 77
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Mushrooms - P. semilanceata (90) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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