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Mushrooms - P. cubensis
by Jhon
Citation:   Jhon. "Encounter: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp96132)". Sep 21, 2020.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms - P. cubensis

I always thought that there could be a spirit world something more to life than what we can see physically day to day but I never truly believed until I had an encounter... I will never forget this experience until the day I die.

To start I'll give a little background. I’m not a very spiritual person overall I’m not religious, I’m not a Buddhist, I don’t believe in magic etc. Well I was with this Trinidadian chick and she always told me that there’s something special about her and that sometimes she sees spirits/demons. This girl is also very religious and heavy into magic/voodoo beliefs so I never really took what she said seriously....

Well one day we decided to pop shrooms I ate 1/8 and she ate a couple grams. No big deal I wasn’t expecting anything at all, I did the same exact shrooms a few days before and popped 7 g had a good trip but nothing out of the ordinary. So we popped them and walked around a bit then came back to the building to go to my place, but I forgot my keys inside and everybody had left so we were stuck on the stairs. We decided to wait until someone returned and by this time I could feel the shrooms kicking in....she was sitting on the floor facing me and I was a couple stairs higher looking down at her. I can’t remember when it started but I never before and till this day never experienced anything like what came next...EVER

I went into a trance and couldnt avert my stare from her eyes...they turned deep blue and I could see the ocean and stars like the milky way the colors were so beautiful I can’t put it into words. Her forehead had a golden symbol on it with dots in a pattern around it and they all glowed in sequence, her brain was pushing the inside of her forehead and I could see her head bulging. Her skin looked like a lizard or snake with scales that were shinning all different colors even some colors I’ve never seen before. There was this electricity in the air I heard a voice in my head talking to me I was terrified but it was so beautiful and amazing I started crying. I saw visions of animals and places I’ve never been before, it told me 'your wrong'...'humanity’s wrong'...'you only cause suffering' ...'the world is crying'.

There was more, it told me its name but I can’t remember everything, this happened more than 4 years ago. When I came out of the trance I was standing up and the girl was there just repeating my name...I was drenched in sweat and so exhausted I couldn’t stand up and grabbed the rail and sat down. She told me I started mumbling and was shaking and crying just staring at her it seemed very long but was only a few minutes, I was COMPLETELY sober when it ended. She said she barely even felt the 2 g she took.

To this day I don’t know what that was God or a spirit but something communicated with me and used her as a means to do it...writing this brings back the same feeling I had and tears of joy to my eyes.

P.S—I was high on heroin when I wrote this, I guess opiates really do work for writers/poets... Sounds better than anything I’ve ever put on paper.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 96132
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Sep 21, 2020Views: 489
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Mystical Experiences (9), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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