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Interesting Theory From a Shroom Trip
Mushrooms (Magic Mushrooms)
Citation:   Redmond. "Interesting Theory From a Shroom Trip: An Experience with Mushrooms (Magic Mushrooms) (exp97806)". Apr 22, 2013.

4 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
Ok, so heres some background:

Around this past february I had been heavily using psychedelics, primarily mushrooms. They scared me, but every time I tripped it was so intriguing I wanted to keep doing them.

My dealer would deliver to me at my work, and I worked alone and usually had time to smoke pot and drink, so this wasn't that sketchy. One day he shown up and asked if I wanted to buy some mushrooms. He ended up selling me 4 grams of golden teachers.

Now, most of the shrooms I ate before this weren't nearly as good, so I ate all of them when I got off work, not knowing how much I'd trip.

I go home, and as I get home I can feel them kicking in. I walk inside and see my parents sitting in the living room watching tv and getting drunk, and I realize its a saturday and they're gonna be up for at least another 3 hours. I had just moved back to my parents house and was already walking on thin ice. So I called my friend and tell him to come pick me up, and he did and we went to a party.

We got to the party which was at a good friends house that had good company, and everybody is drinking and they don't know that I'm tripping. As I can feel it getting stronger, this girl I've been friends with for a couple years starts awkwardly hitting on me. This eventually led to her indirectly asking me to fuck multiple times, which tripped me out, cause I thought I was just thinking this cause I was tripping, but it sounded so obvious. Friends confirmed the next day that she was trying to fuck me, to bad I fucked that up.

This part of the story doesn't really matter, but it set the tone for the rest of the night, everyone else was drunk as fuck and it was extremely awkward.

I could start to see auras around everyone there, and started basically tripping my balls off, and this is when things got really interesting.

There was this guy there. I was very good friends with this person before this. Over the past couple of months, he had been brooding heavy over this girl who was friends with me who had a boyfriend for months. This guy had a real dark aura and vibe to him all night even though he seemed in a good mood up until this point.

He started talking to me about it in the other room. At this point I was peaking, and the walls and every single thing in the floor started melting except for him. He was talking about how miserable he was. Everything in the room got way darker and I literally saw a plant start to die behind him. At this point I told him I was tripping my ass off and couldn't handle him. But things got weirder after that.

He followed me around for the rest of the night. I started thinking he was reading my thoughts. Shortly after this he started literally saying things I was thinking and smiling at me when no one was looking. The dark energy I could see around him was growing, and everyone seemed to be getting sucked into it.

Now, this dude is a reiki master. Certified. If you don't know what that is, look it up. I literally could see this guy, spouting the same miserable shit that he always does when he gets drunk, but this time it was different. I could see that this time and every time he wasn't actually upset or depressed, he was trying to get people sucked into something. And I didn't know what it was, but it was something heavy, evil and dangerous. Around this time, it started seeming like every thing he was talking about involved death or suicide. It was around 4 am at this point, and I was probably actually peaking now cause shit was crazier, and I said I was going to bed. I went and laid downstairs and meditated and didn't sleep at all that night.

Before I went to bed, I saw him laying on the floor in a room listening to some super eerie music. Everything in the room seemed to move in a very evil, haunting way, and I felt like he was tapping into my thoughts and my very soul, and me being under the influence of mushrooms let him do that more than he'd usually be able to. Also, I should mention that shortly before I went downstairs I closed my eyes and tried projecting energy waves into the room, which at this point this guy says 'I can feel some really weird surge of energy in this room'.

So I went and laid down to meditate on the evening and in a way it all came together:
This guy is obsessed with music production, he aspires to be a famous musician and has since high school. He often subtly mentions suicide...and he seems to have alot of problems. But tonight, it seemed as this was all clear to me: This guy is some sort of genius, possibly put here for some weird kind of suicide cult by some god-like force.
My theory was that this guy doesn't have any problems at all. He realized that alot of people in my group of friends are weak and don't think for themselves. He can easily change peoples minds, he can easily manipulate the energys around him (Which makes it more ironic that he's a raiki master), He's been placed here for a reason and its to get people sucked into something (his music, his life) and try to start a clique that revolves around him and eventually will be a suicide cult, for some inherent balance in the universe that we cannot understand.

I also felt like this guy was trying to use me to get further into this group. This kid was a genius in highschool and didn't go to college, and he'd never talk to me or any of my friends back than. He realized that I'm somewhat more intelligent than all of my friends, and he was going to try to get me to get him to become better friends with the rest of these kids, so he could lead them all into bullshit.

After this night, I immediately tried to cut all ties with this kid. I never called him anymore and rarely answered when he called, I eventually stopped talking to that whole group of kids except for a few because of it. I stopped tripping regularly after this and made it a once every couple of months thing.

But whats interesting about this, is I've done shrooms 3 times since than. And each time I've ran into this guy when I was tripping, and he was up to the same antics. I'd see him in public when I was fucked up, and he'd follow me around and try to talk to me. I once heard him say something to my friend whose an artist when me and my friend were tripping 'I have a picture I'd like to use for an album cover. Its a picture of 8 women all in nazi uniforms standing in a line. Not that I'm trying to promote nazism or anything skin-head...but it kinda has a message to it, and only a couple of people will really get it'

So thats all of my story. I really don't know what to think. I've always went with if the shrooms tell you that something or someones bad, they really mean it. I've tried explaining this to a couple of the kids in that group, and they laugh at me and say I've done to many drugs and tell him that I think he's a mindreader and stuff like that.

I should also mention that another reason why I stopped using psychedelics after this is because I felt like I was completely using them wrong and disrespecting them, and I can still take a light trip and have fun, but I have to do it rarely, and if I never need to use the shrooms in large quantities again I'll feel it and the opportunity will arise at the time.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97806
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Apr 22, 2013Views: 7,351
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Mushrooms (39) : Difficult Experiences (5), Large Group (10+) (19)

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