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Enjoying the Light
Mimosa tenuiflora
Citation:   raven. "Enjoying the Light: An Experience with Mimosa tenuiflora (exp98223)". Apr 17, 2020.

T+ 0:00
3 drops oral Mimosa tenuiflora (tea)
  T+ 0:45   drops oral Mimosa tenuiflora (tea)
  T+ 1:25   drops oral Mimosa tenuiflora (tea)
I can say I purchased the mimosa accidently. While I purchased salvia online I noticed the mimosa, it was very cheap and I decided to give it a try. I didn’t really know what is the effect of this plant.

When I received the mimosa powder I started to research online for the effects, dosage and how to consume it. I got the impression that it’s complicated to prepare it and must be consumed with Syrian rue which I didn’t purchase. I also encountered a list of foods/medicines/drugs which not be consumed along with the mimosa. Some of it make sense but there was no explanation why should I avoid dairy products (is it dangerous, will it decrease the effect of the drug, will it make feel bad in the stomach… who knows). As well, people mentioned fasting and even avoiding water 3 hours before the consumption of the drug. I was not sure if the mimosa has effect by itself or does it require the Syrian rue. I tried to google it and found someone asking the same question but the answer was “try and tell us”. In contradiction to everything I read by now it says that I should soak it in cold water for some time and not boil it else the DMT will be destroyed. At this point I was really confused.

I mixed it with water on Friday evening, something like one cup of water for all the amount (grams), I closed it in a jar and shake well, after that I put in the fridge. Every few hours I shake it again. I did not eat for 10-12 hours and on Saturday noon I filtered the mix through a cloth. I didn’t throw the left over, I cooked them just in case the cold fusion will not work.

I thought I will need to consume at least 25% to get some effects but just to be careful I decided to do it very slowly to be sure there will not be allergic reaction or something bad in my stomach. I dipped a spoon and put it in my mouth. This was a tiny bit, I didn’t take a whole spoon! Something like 3 drops of the liquid. The amount was so small; I didn’t not feel the horrible taste described by other users.

After 10-15 minutes I felt some short dizziness and got scared a bit, I drunk water to relax and realized that this is a placebo effect (is it?). I waited 45 minutes and then take another tiny dose (less than the first time), again after 10 minutes I felt short dizziness.
I waited 45 minutes and then take another tiny dose (less than the first time), again after 10 minutes I felt short dizziness.
I was not sure if I got some effect or not, something felt weird but everything seemed to be normal. Meanwhile I cleaned a little bit the house and put the laundry outside to dry. Outside I really enjoyed the sun and the nice weather but still I had doubt if this is the effect of the mimosa. With a 40min difference I took another tiny dose. I looked on the floor, there was a reflection of the light from outside. it seems to so beautiful, I went outside again and I enjoyed so much the beauty of the sky and the bright line. I realized that I am under effect of the mimosa. I felt I want to see more of this bright day and sun and took the dogs for a walk.

There were no hallucinations, just nice feeling and love for the beauty of nature. I have noticed every plant and flower and felt empty towards to plants that turned down their leaves under the heat of the sun. I felt I want to go inside this garden and give them water. I kept walking until I arrived to the beach. There I sit for a short while, enjoyed so much the beauty. Especially the reflections of light which paint it silver. I passed by two big trees on my way, they gave me a very good feeling, they were magical. It was very similar to the feeling I got from a tiny dose of LSD.

I came back to the house and take another tiny drop. I sit in my very small garden and enjoyed so much the plants, I have noticed there is so much diversity in my small garden and felt I want to know the names of each plant and insect in my garden. I felt so connected to the universe and I want to try some astral travel meditation on you tube. Due to problems with my internet connectivity I gave up.

It was around 17pm and I was almost 20 hours without eating, it didn’t bother me too much but I decided to make myself dinner. I ate slowly, afraid that there will be some reaction in my stomach. Everything was ok. After that I watched a movie, it was already dark outside and dimmed light inside the house. After the movie I took another tiny dose and went again to the street. I didn’t feel like before. I assumed it’s because I have eaten and some hours passed since the first dose. I did enjoy the lamps in the street or light of police car drove by. I realized the strong light makes me feel good. When I came back to the house i turned all some lights and it felt nicer.

The night before I smoked salvia, I don’t know if it gave some kind of boost to the mimosa or already out of my system.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98223
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: Apr 17, 2020Views: 1,011
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Mimosa tenuiflora (74) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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