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Touching Infinity
Citation:   Spence. "Touching Infinity: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp99354)". Jan 21, 2020.

T+ 0:00
3.5 g oral Mushrooms (tea)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 5:00   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 5:00   oral Mushrooms (tea)
The first time I truly experienced shrooming was my third time taking them. We started with just over a fourth of ground mushrooms at noon, brewed some boiling rose tea on the stove and dumped the powder into the pot. It sat on the stove for another minute or so brewing while we stirred the concoction. Lastly we strained the tea through a paper coffee filter, into our cups.

At this point it's hard to tell how much we each consumed. Since my last two times trying caps I felt like I was on the verge of the trip; this time I drank easily half of the pot. My friend K drank about a quarter of the pot (half of what I didn't drink). Approximately twenty to thirty minutes after drinking the tea we began to feel 'shroomy' – a sunken feeling, the walls seemed to breathe and it seemed like everything I saw had a faint rainbow–kaleidoscope pattern. Time had little importance we started chatting about what we were experiencing, what interesting realizations we were having and simply catching up on each other's lives. At one point I was swelled with love and we hugged, it felt like we were melting together and soaking up each other's life force.

It's hard to say how much time passed, we brought my queen sized fuzzy blanket onto the ground, talking constantly; I noticed we would begin talking about something, switch to another subject, sometimes several, but we always came back and finished the original topics. I kept exclaiming how everything was a loop, our conversations, life, wind, ideas. We decided to go outside and smoke a cigarette and several minutes later and after many topic changes we finally got outside. We were walking around my neighborhood, walking was hard and it seemed like as I was walking the street was getting longer but eventually we made our way to an unpopulated area and shared the cigarette.

When I drew in the smoke it felt like eternity, like my mouth and the filter was an infinite vortex. Apparently I had been saying all this out loud because my friend started remarking how much I was saying 'vortex' and 'infinity'
my friend started remarking how much I was saying 'vortex' and 'infinity'
. As we were walking back I kept seeing every color with a hint of rainbow in it. Eventually we made it home and back to chatting and rolling around on the fuzzy blanket. Mutually we asked if each other wanted to make out (as we have a romantic history) this is when it got crazy. After teasing each other a bit, we went in for the kiss: this kiss was lifetimes, I felt like I was experiencing decades, understanding life and at the same time seeing a tunnel filled with colorful geometric shapes. When we broke apart I remarked how I felt like I had just taken DMT, we talked some about the drug and neuroscience behind it all and continued chatting away. We checked the time, it was almost five and K said she was coming down. We smoked a few bowls of weed and I decided to drink the remainder of the tea (because there wasn’t that much left) – this was a terrible idea. I quickly started feeling the tea I was chatting so much and K was mostly listening. We kissed again but I couldn’t really handle it the only way I could explain how I was feeling was that my 'head was a galaxy'.

Unfortunately I started feeling sick, I puked a few times, drank lots of water and I suddenly felt really malnourished. We made ramen and cuddled up to watch a movie when I started feeling better. Overall the experience was amazing and I'm so glad to have done it with K. The end was a disaster probably because I had too much tea.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99354
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jan 21, 2020Views: 674
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Mushrooms (39) : Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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