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Well That Was a Bit Different
Mushrooms - P. semilanceata
Citation:   wireless. "Well That Was a Bit Different: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. semilanceata (exp99360)". Jun 3, 2020.

6 oz oral Mushrooms - P. semilanceata (fresh)
I am a well versed tripper but last season me and my un-named friend kinda pushed it a bit. I have years of experience using cannabis, LSD, ecstasy, salvia divonorum, bufotenene and liberty caps.

Let me tell you liberty caps or as we call them magi's are the best. In the past I have taken them with groups of friends meaning the amount used was relatively low aprox 100 each. This last season only my self and my un-name friend wanted a trip. We went picking, fortunately we live in the South Wales valleys and it was a very wet summer in 2012 so picking was good. We managed to pick about 12 ounces of fresh magi's in about 2 hours. Now normally in the past that would have been enough for several brews but under instruction of my un-named friend we brewed the whole lot in one go. I stuffed them in the end of a pair of tights tied it off and was left with a sausage of magical delights about a foot long and wider than a can of coke. We brewed this in a saucepan, squashing out every last drop. Once finished we where left with a concentrated black slime which filled about 3 half pint glasses. We downed our first glass each. Within about 20 minutes I could feel the tingle of the frenzy creeping from my toes and fingers to my core. At this point we split the last glass and then it kicked in proper.

The visuals where the most amazing thing and they were better when I closed my eyes, imaging the best CGI media player style music art times infinity. The chosen sound track was Tool 10,000 days (for the pill heads of the 90’s it was happy hard core for us its Tool). Never have I ever felt so closed to god it was the most spiritual experience I have had. Also the physical rushes as the music penetrated my soul were better than any ecstasy high I have been on.

I would not recommend this level of high unless the conditions for it are perfect, I have a very good control of self under extreme dosage through years of experience and I am in a good emotional place so no head fucking myself. Also the room needed to be dark with minimal stimuli due to the extreme perception shift. The most intense part of the high lasted about 3 hours where we were completely immobilised and incapable of social interaction. After we had come down a bit we could again talk and giggle and leave the room.

I love the experience so much we did it again a couple time in the season. But I have just one question,

Is it normal to take this much?

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 99360
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Jun 3, 2020Views: 822
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Mushrooms - P. semilanceata (90) : Mystical Experiences (9), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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