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How to Make The Tea Palatable
Calea zacatechichi & Dreaming
Citation:   Roseburg. "How to Make The Tea Palatable: An Experience with Calea zacatechichi & Dreaming (exp99761)". Aug 2, 2018.

  oral Calea zacatechichi (tea)
    smoked Calea zacatechichi (dried)
  2 capsls oral Calea zacatechichi (dried)
How to Make Calea Zacatechichi Tea Palatable

I am a psychology major who has had very good experience becoming lucid and maintaining lucidity for about 10 years.

I ordered 56 grams/2 oz capsule form of Calea Zacatechichi online, I am attempting a controlled study of this herb as a way to induce the lucid state as I feel it has great potential in the field of therapy.

I made tea from 6 capsules opened and emptied into 1 ˝ cup boiling water that had “Bengal Spice” tea steeped in it, to this I added A LOT of honey and used a stick of clove candy to stir the contents. I also sucked on the clove candy after sipping the tea. The “Bengal Spice” tea and the Honey DID help, the clove candy numbs my tongue so that the taste isn’t so horrible. It is palatable when prepared this way, still bitter but not as bad. I also smoked 2 capsules in a pipe and took 2 capsules.

I had very vivid dreams about seeing auras. It seems to be a very authentic experience.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99761
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Aug 2, 2018Views: 2,079
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Calea zacatechichi (97), Dreams (85) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Alone (16)

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