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HippyScience Flipping at DragonCon 2010
Mushrooms & Methylone
Citation:   4science. "HippyScience Flipping at DragonCon 2010: An Experience with Mushrooms & Methylone (exp99786)". Apr 5, 2013.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
    repeated insufflated Methylone (powder / crystals)
We decided to go to DragonCon 2010. It is a big Anime, Sci-Fi , Science, Fantasy convention where hundreds of thousands of Nerds, Geeks, and whoever wants to show up flood the city of Atlanta, GA for an extended weekend. Think of it as a music festival for fandom enthusiasts.

A lot of stuff happened. We did somewhere between 2.5 and 5 grams of our ten gram satchel of methylone during those four days. Being surrounded by thousands of happy cos-playing dorks and intellectuals was a fantastic experience. There was a point where we were in the food court and it is a central hub for the convention which takes place in three different skyscraping hotels (it takes place in four but only 3 are connected.) which are all connected by tubes which lead to this food court in the middle. It was so euphoric and life affirming to feel the energy coming off of these thousands of peaceful souls all there simply to celebrate their common interests. In that food court I could feel the flow of our collective life force as hoards of people flowed past me. (This was a sensation mostly caused by my Methylone drenched receptor being walloped by the sensory overload of so many people and goings on.)

Later one evening there was a special event at the Atlanta Aquarium. So getting ready for this I take my shrooms. (This is the only substance I was going to do initially.) We are in this room, waiting for the aquarium to open, watching children build robots and then put them through a competition. I excuse myself to go to the bathroom and eat my oh so weak eighth. (They were wild picked. That was good. I didn't want them to be too powerful.) I get back to the room and the shrooms start coming up and right when I start to feel unbearably odd, coming up on powerful hallucinogens while watching other people’s children play, it is over and we can go to the aquarium!

First, however, we stop at the car as my sober friends wanted to get and do their drugs. I'm feelin pretty weird after that kid thing and by the time we get to the parking structure that our car is in I am not really having a good time. I feel pretty shitty and somewhat dissociated and as my friends are snorting their doses and dissolving the drugs we are going to take with us into our water bottles (as we had been doing the whole time) I was just kind of sitting in the back seat rocking my head back and forth in mild discomfort.

My friends being in the drug doing mood wanted me to do some methylone as well. But I was tired of that! After a little bit of coaxing on their part I said fuck it! For science! And I snorted some and took one of the laced bottles.

At first there was a mild increase of the dysphonia and mental confusion I had been feeling. But when we hit the street the beauty of the sky in all its pastel glory, the action of motion, and seeing all of these weirdo’s around me started to cheer me up.

We didn't really know where we were going so we figured we should follow all the people meandering in the same general direction.

We ended up meeting some nice Victorian women who offered to be our guides and we followed them through the Olympics Park and onwards toward the aquarium! At this point the visuals from the shrooms where still pretty light (as they were most of the time that evening) but just seeing the clouds float by behind these giant concrete man made obelisks that where the bulk of the city we were walking through made me smile and start giggling. I was happy again!

Finally we got to the aquarium and while they hassled us on a damn juice box (because the straw could be a weapon?) they let us bring in our heavily drug laden water bottles which I found oh so amusing. I don't know if I had ever been to an aquarium before but it is essentially a zoo for sea life with the production values of a theme park. We walk in and go to the first exhibit on our right and just as the heavenly chorus of an orchestral choir peaks a gentle wave approaches the glass through the top of the tank and we see fish! Of every shape and size and colour imaginable. At that moment when we entered that first exhibit my heart piqued with joy and awe. I stopped in my tracks as did my girlfriend as children and adults moved past us. We looked at each other and said 'wow'. Later we ended up bonding with a mother and her two daughters that had come down from NY just for that one evening. Also I saw a whale shark.

All in all it was a pretty light trip and a medium/heavy dose of methylone. But they combined together with the setting in a very special way. The shrooms gave color and majesty to everything and the methylone gave a buzz and a hum to everything (especially any type of living body). The edges were soft and the colors a light pastel. They both conspired to cow me with the awe of a child first discovering the glory of the world and everything in it for the first time.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 99786
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Apr 5, 2013Views: 4,756
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Mushrooms (39), Methylone (255) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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