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Hand-Crafted Glass Molecules!
Donate $150+ and get an art glass molecule.
(Pick caffeine, DMT, dopamine, ethanol, harmine, MDMA,
mescaline, serotonin, tryptamine, nitrous, THC, or psilocybin)
Erowid Announcement #20
January 23, 2001
Hey Everyone,

Here's the first announcement of 2001, though it goes back to additions made in November. There's a few gems in here, as well as announcements of two upcoming conferences.

We've been spending a lot of time recently working on a comprehensive MDMA article database with MAPS, which will hopefully be released in the next few weeks. We also spent a few days earlier this month lecturing for a college course on Drugs and Drug Policy, interesting stuff.

For a full list of new articles and images added to Erowid, see our What's New page.

We welcome submissions, suggestions, criticisms, or corrections at

fire & earth


  1. Cannabis Leaf Image Drive
    Erowid is looking for a few high quality, high resolution images of single cannabis leaves. The top two entries will receive an Erowid t-shirt, and the top entry may be used on the cover of an upcoming book being published later this year. We're accepting submissions through Feb 14th.

  2. Drug Slang Dictionary
    A new comprehensive dictionary of drug slang including more than 1,500 terms.

  3. 'Red Rock Opium' Hoax
    Over the past several years a substance called 'Red Rock Opium' has been sold throughout the U.S. as a form of Opium. Independent chemical analysis by two labs has verified for Erowid that there are no opiates in the most common form of this substance. Rather, it is Dragon's Blood Incense as has been previously suggested.

  4. "State of Ecstasy" Conference
    Friday, February 2, 2001, 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM (San Francisco, CA)
    The purpose of "The State of Ecstasy: The Medicine, Science and Culture of MDMA" is to determine, as objectively as possible, what is actually known about this drug. In this one-day conference, experts will convene to discuss clinical and therapeutic uses, scientific research into potential neurotoxicity, and the culture of Ecstasy, including recreational use and raves. The goal of the conference is to formulate pragmatic recommendations for advancing the state of knowledge and health policy about MDMA.

    Speakers will include George Ricaurte, David Nichols, Katherine Bonson, Rick Doblin, Ethan Nadelmann, Alexander & Ann Shulgin, and more. Tickets are still available ($125) and the conference will also be webcast live from the website on the day of the conference.

  5. Mind States II : Conference
    Friday, May 25-27, 2001 (Berkeley, CA)
    "MIND STATES II: Further Perspectives on Altered Consciousness" is a conference about Visionary Plants & Drugs, Virtual Reality, Nootropics, Nanotechnology & Artificial Life, Art, Music, the Internet, and more . . . Tickets are available for $130, keep your eye on this page for updates on speakers.

  6. Cluster Headache Relief from Psilocybin
    A collection of personal reports from cluster headache sufferers who found relief using psilocybin mushrooms. Very interesting discussion and details.

  7. Calendar Events
    Check here throughout the year to get information about upcoming events including conferences, seminars, lectures, rallies, art showings, etc.

  8. Growing the Hallucinogens
    This piece by Hudson Gruber has interesting information about the cultivation and harvesting of many lesser-known legal psychoactive plants.

  9. Barbiturates Vault
    A new vault with some basic info about Barbiturates.

  10. Salvia divinorum FAQ
    Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Salvia divinorum.

Thanks everyone.
Fire & Earth


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