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Erowid Announcement #52
February 18, 2005
Friends of Erowid,

Ten Years Ago...
...Erowid didn't exist. After over a year of thinking about a name for (as yet unidentified) future projects, Earth and Fire spent some concentrated time brainstorming. In February 1995, the name "Erowid" was chosen.

In the present, Erowid continues to grow and thrive with the help of contributors, members, and volunteers. The recent matching grant offer was a heartening success. In just three months, 285 people responded to the generous matching grant offer backed by four Erowid supporters (two anonymous members, Sean Hailey, and the Interface for Humanity Trust). They joined the growing number of people who make Erowid possible through financial contributions. Thanks to you all.

There are several major projects underway at Erowid. The first is a series of gatherings we're calling Erowid Revisioning Meetings. We are meeting with Erowid funders and crew in several cities across the U.S. to look at what we've done over the last ten years, what has changed about drug information on the internet, and what we should focus on in the future.

The second project is the finalization of a new online publication, The Erowid Review, a book and movie review section that should be launched with the next announcement. Third is that we are nearing completion of downloadable archives and a mirror of the Erowid site.

Fourth, beta-testing of the new experience triaging system is underway with a second major version launched in late January. If you read a lot of experience reports and can make a serious commitment to some rather tedious reading and grading, please consider volunteering. We are looking for another 10 or so beta-testers over the next two months.

We welcome submissions, suggestions, criticisms, or corrections at

fire & earth


  1. Wild Lettuce Vault

    Basics, law page and links about Wild Lettuce (Lactuca virosa), also called Opium Lettuce.

  2. Contaminated Heroin Linked to Deaths

    Info and links about incidents in Scotland and the Northeast United States of heroin contaminated with clenbuterol.

  3. Visuals Vault

    Collected links related to the phenomena of "visuals" and the brain.

  4. Diphenhydramine Vault Additions

    Effects and Dose pages for Diphenhydramine (e.g. Benadryl).

  5. Misreported LSD Death Now Believed to be 5-MeO-AMT Related

    A summary of a situation where initial news reports blamed a death on LSD but it was later found, surprising no one with knowledge of the field, that there was no LSD present.

  6. Japanese Death Associated with 5-MeO-DIPT

    A death was reported in Japan in July 2004 is believed to have been the result of an overdose of 5-MeO-DIPT.

  7. Law Vault Additions
    U.S. Attorney General Asks Supreme Court to Overturn Ayahuasca Injunction
    DEA Requests to Schedule Zopliclone
    Greek Drug Law & Policy

    We continue to regularly update law information for various psychoactives.

  8. Art Vaults
    Eight new artist have been added to the art vaults this month.

    February Featured Artist: Punkadelic

  9. 136 New Experience Reports

  10. Books Added to the Library / Bookstore
    Erowid uses printed reference materials to help maintain the accuracy
    of our online library. Please consider contributing a book--see
    Erowid's wishlist--or contact us about donating from your
    own collection.

    We've added 27 new books to our library this month, including:

    A Short History of Wine
    The Natural History of Medicinal Plants
    Animals and Psychedelics
    Just the Facts: Fluids & Electrolytes

For a more complete listing of What's New at Erowid go to:


Conducts laboratory testing of street Ecstasy tablets (NOTE: co-pay is now $30).

Between Jan 14 and Feb 17, results were posted for 15 new tablets.

Thanks to those who donated Memory Sticks, we now have enough!


If you find Erowid a useful resource and are interested in supporting its future development, please consider donating or becoming a member.



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