We've been busy with content and development work over the past few
months. Fire and Earth wrote a chapter about the kratom experience
for a medical textbook. We also just finished a foreword to an
upcoming digital manual about creating and running psychedelic crisis
management services at festivals.
We've been improving the process for handling EcstasyData results. A
new faster turnaround time means batches have been published weekly
for the last six weeks. We've updated hundreds of files on the site
and are working with a new set of volunteers from Reddit's r/drugs
gang. Some joined as Experience triagers and others have volunteered
to work on site improvements.
Spoon has been reworking the training process for new volunteers and
Blaek has completed a template for Stolaroff Collection abstracts as
well as writing abstracts/summaries for the first 500 documents.
As a non-profit organization, your financial and/or moral support
are what helps us continue to improve public drug information!