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Classification Key for the Genus Datura
by Dr. Richard Sanders and
Datura innoxia

subspecies quinquecuspida

Corolla teeth at midpoint of each section
extremely short (giving the appearance of a
five-toothed flower), flower edge regularly-
rounded. Flowers in upper portions may be
tinged with purple or pale violet.

Also known as D. wrightii or D. meteloides.

subspecies innoxia

Corolla teeth at midpoint of each section are larger (giving the appearance of a ten-toothed flower), flower edge wavy and show no color tinge at corolla edge (flower is solid white).

Also known as D. inoxia, or sometimes D. meteloides due to historical confusion.
Photo by Dr. Richard Sanders
Photo by Dr. Richard Sanders
Photo by Dr. Richard Sanders
Photo by Dr. Richard Sanders

© 2002 Dr. Sanders & Erowid