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Hand-Crafted Glass Molecules!
Donate $150+ and get an art glass molecule.
(Pick caffeine, DMT, dopamine, ethanol, harmine, MDMA,
mescaline, serotonin, tryptamine, nitrous, THC, or psilocybin)
Classification Key for the Genus Datura
by Dr. Richard Sanders and
Section dutra

Fruit dihesces (splits open) regularly into four
sections and does not separate from its circular
base ("disk" or "cup"), or crumble spontaneously.

Corollas white with inside throat tinged purple.

Fruit opens irregularly, crumbles or sections
detach from the circular base upon opening.

Photo from Engelstrompeten
by H. Preissel
Photo by Dr. Richard Sanders

© 2002 Dr. Sanders & Erowid