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Mushroom Recipes

Lady Di's Discreet Mushroom Sesame Balls

Dried, finely ground mushrooms of your choice
Double that volume (not weight!) of the best whole sesame seeds
Fine honey
Dash of salt

Toast the sesame seeds lightly in a dry cast iron frying pan on medium high setting, stirring heartily. When they start popping and smelling great, that's enough. Pour them into a bowl and let them cool. Set a small handful aside, then whiz the rest in a blender until there's only about 30% whole seeds visible. Add mushrooms, whiz again. (For additional Ch'i, you can do all this whizzing in a suribachi.) Pour into bowl, add small amount of salt and enough honey to attain clay-like consistency. Roll into one-inch balls, licking hands frequently. Roll balls in whole sesame seeds, store in tightly sealed container in cool place. Take anywhere. Guard against unsuspecting refrigirator raiders.

Mushrooms Forever

Coarsely chop dried (or fresh, I imagine) mushrooms and loosely pack into some beautiful little jar which is shallow enough that you can reach its bottom with your finger. Add honey to fill all spaces. Hide in a dark, cool place and try to forget about it for a month or two. Eat by fingerful for brightened colors, elevated humor, musical enhancement, new friends and so on. When you finish a bag, add the crumbs to your mushroom honey jar. Occasionally replenish it with mushrooms and top off with honey.

by D. Moss

I was wondering whether mushrooms could be baked on a pizza and still provide effects.

So, I went out west and picked some (there is some abundance in South Florida). Then, when I went to work that evening (I was amanager at the local Pizza Hut), I baked an extra cheese, double mushroom (1/2 and 1/2), and onion pizza (pan crust).

Not only did it taste great, but I found the buttons on the cash register changing places. So, I did the only thing any person would---close up shop early.

It definitely beats the bitten routine of making tea and eating sludge.

by D. Johnston

This sort of reminds me of my first Dead show. A friend of mine from Toronto put 1/2 oz of 'shrooms into a taboule (sp?) salad a day before crossing the border to Buffalo. By the time we got to the border, the 'shrooms had swelled up and just looked like... well, mushrooms.

So we all pigged out on the floor in Rich stadium before the show. They worked just fine!

I think the only factor to consider is the full stomach/empty stomach thing that's a factor in any drug eating. If you eat six pieces of pizza, with a certain ammount of mushrooms, you'll take longer to get off than with only 1 piece of pizza.

by Anonymous

I don't like the taste of psilocybin mushrooms, but I've found that if I mix them with peanut butter or make a chunky peanut butter sandwich with them, I find the flavors mix well and it tastes good. Serious Thumbs-Up on the peanut butter route with plenty of liquids to wash em down. Some people get queasy with mushrooms and the peanut butter can make them longer to come on than tea, but it can be a great way to go.

suggested by ClayR

Using dried mushrooms, melt chocolate chips carefully in a double boiler or over very low heat. Its very easy to burn chocolate when heating on a stovetop, which makes it taste off and dries it out so its hard to dip. Once the chocolate is liquid, simply dip the mushrooms into the chocolate using tongs and place on wax paper until cool. Enjoy.

Be aware that not all chocolate resolidifies well after heating, but most chocolate chips have additives which help them resolidify nicely. Chocolate stores better over long periods of time in the freezer inside air tight containers. When transporting, frozen chocolates will melt less quickly, so keep them cool. Well made chocolates are also an excellent disguise.