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All References with Titles containing '490' OR with Authors including '490' OR with Abstract including '490' OR with Keywords including '490'

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Warnecke G [Psychosomatic dysfunctions in the female climactericClinical effectiv... Fortschr Med 1991
Kinzler E, Kroemer J, Leh... [Effect of a special kava extract in patients with anxiety-, tension-,... Arzneimittelforschun... 1991
Herberg KW [Effect of Kava-Special Extract WS 1490 combined with ethyl alcohol on... Blutalkohol 1993
Burns N, Olverman HJ, Kel... Effects of ecstasy on aldosterone secretion in the rat in vivo and in ... Endocr Res 1996
Volz HP, Kieser M Kava-kava extract WS 1490 versus placebo in anxiety disorders--a rando... Pharmacopsychiatry 1997
Malsch U, Kieser M Efficacy of kava-kava in the treatment of non-psychotic anxiety, follo... Psychopharmacology (... 2001