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All References with Titles containing 'Bar_PR' OR with Authors including 'Bar_PR' OR with Abstract including 'Bar_PR' OR with Keywords including 'Bar_PR'

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Appel JB, Freedman DX Tolerance and Cross-Tolerance Among Psychotomimetic Drugs Psychopharmacologia 1968
Cameron OG, Appel JB Conditioned suppression of bar-pressing behavior by stimuli associated... J. exp. Anal. Behav. 1972
Cameron OG, Appel JB Drug Induced Conditioned Suppression: Specificity Cue To Drug Employed... Pharmacol. Biochem. ... 1976
Kovacic B, Domino EF Tolerance And Limited Cross-tolerance To The Effects Of N, N-dimethylt... J. Pharmacol. exp. T... 1976
Carter R B. Appel J B LSD and 5-HTP: Tolerance and Cross-Tolerance Relationships. Eur.J.Pharmacol. 1978
Ruffing D, Kovacic B, Dem... Naloxone enhancement of DMT and LSD-25 induced suppression of food-rew... Psychopharmacology 1979
Ruffing DM, Domino EF First Dose Behavioral Tolerance to Phencyclidine on Food-Rewarded Bar ... Psychopharmacology 1980
Ruffig DM, Domino EF Effects of Selected Opioid Agonists and Antagonists on DMT- and LSD-25... Psychopharmacology 1981
Mokler DJ, Commissaris RL... Drugs that influence dopamine function do not alter the disruption of ... Federation Proceedin... 1982
Ruffing DM, Domino EF Interaction of Synthetic Opioid Metenkephalin Peptide Analogs, Lilly ... Psychopharmacology 1983
Rosecrans JA, Glennon RA The effect of MDA and MDMA ('Ecstasy') isomers in combination with pir... Pharmacol Biochem Be... 1987
van der Stelt M, Veldhuis... Neuroprotection by Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the main active compou... J Neurosci 2001
Veldhuis WB, van der Stel... Neuroprotection by the endogenous cannabinoid anandamide and arvanil a... J Neurosci 2003