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All References with Titles containing 'Benzaldehyd' OR with Authors including 'Benzaldehyd' OR with Abstract including 'Benzaldehyd' OR with Keywords including 'Benzaldehyd'

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Gilsdorf RT, Nord FF Reverse Addition of Lithium Aluminum Hydride to Nitroolefins The Department of Or... 1952
Dallacker F Derivate des Methylendioxybenzols, 28. Mitt1: Über Reaktionen derDimet... Monatshefte fiir Che... 1969
Seitz G Eine einfache Methode zur Identifizierung von Rauschgiften Muench Med Wochensch... 1973
Welsum RA A simplified procedure for the identification of drugs from the illici... J. Chromat. 1973
Nichols DE Potential Psychotomimetics Bromomethoxyamphetamines And Structural Con... Diss.Abstr.Intern. B 1973
Stoney DA, Thornton JI Solvent-Dependent Photolysis for Identification of Lysergic Acid Dieth... Anal.Chem. 1979
Shiue CY, Shiue GG, Rysav... Fluorine-18 and carbon-11 labeled amphetamine analogs--synthesis, dist... Nucl Med Biol 1993
O'Neal C, Crouch DJ, Fata... Validation of twelve chemical spot tests for the , detection of drugs ... Forensic Science Int... 2000