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All References with Titles containing 'Crippa_JA' OR with Authors including 'Crippa_JA' OR with Abstract including 'Crippa_JA' OR with Keywords including 'Crippa_JA'

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Fusar-Poli P, Crippa JA, ... Distinct effects of {delta}9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol on n... Arch Gen Psychiatry 2009
de Araujo DB, Ribeiro S, ... Seeing with the eyes shut: Neural basis of enhanced imagery following ... Hum Brain Mapp 2011
Crippa JA, Derenusson GN,... Pharmacological interventions in the treatment of the acute effects of... Harm Reduct J 2012
Bouso JC, Palhano-Fontes ... Long-term use of psychedelic drugs is associated with differences in b... Eur Neuropsychopharm... 2015
Nunes AA, Dos Santos RG, ... Effects of Ayahuasca and its Alkaloids on Drug Dependence: A Systemati... J Psychoactive Drugs 2016