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All References with Titles containing 'Dering_P' OR with Authors including 'Dering_P' OR with Abstract including 'Dering_P' OR with Keywords including 'Dering_P'

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Wood HC On the Medical Activity of the Hemp Plant, As Grown in North America Proceedings of the A... 1869
Sansone M, Castellano C, ... Facilitation Of Avoidance Behaviour By LSD-25 And Mescaline In Hamster... Pharmacol Res Commun... 1974
Terry M, Steelman KL, Gui... Lower Pecos and Coahuila peyote: new radiocarbon dates J Archaelogical Scie... 2006
Swift W, Coffey C, Carlin... Adolescent cannabis users at 24 years: trajectories to regular weekly ... Addiction 2008
Chu PS, Ma WK, Wong SC, C... The destruction of the lower urinary tract by ketamine abuse: a new sy... BJU Int 2008
Quest Diagnostics Prescription Drug Misuse in America Laboratory Insights into the New D... Self Published 2012
Daveluy A, Géniaux H, Bau... Parachuting psychoactive substances: Pharmacokinetic clues for harm re... Addict Behav 2017